
an illustrated novel

Friday, October 8, 2010

Chapter12 Shadowlands

Blue's dreams came on pretty strong the moment he and Vinny got to the Shadowlands. They started as daydreams or visions, Blue couldn't tell which. As they entered the mountains encircling the valley, which gave the Shadowlands their name, Blue saw their peaks catch fire, the blaze, smokeless and uniform as if every flame was the perfect flame. Just as suddenly as the flames had engulfed the mountainous ridge, they disappeared with a flash and from the very places along the ridge from which the fires had issued forth there was light, strange, uneven, spectral light which wavered in intensity though constant and continuous from mountaintop to sky above. An overwhelming feeling of importance accompanied the vision. So strong was the feeling of significance that Blue asked Vinny to take him somewhere. " Vinny, let's go up as high as we can, I want to look out."

"Yeah, Tommy, there's nothing like the view of the Shadowlands from up here, I know just the spot," Vinny proudly exclaimed into the communicator on the VinnCycle.

"No Vinny, sorry, I want to look the other way," Blue quickly requested,"I can't shake this feeling that there's something I'm supposed to see out there!"

"No problem Tommy, we've got all the time in the world. You know I have deep connections with the Leocrites, especially Sansaa!"Vinny was feeling completely at ease and happy, confident that this trip was just what Tommy needed but he had far more personal reasons to be making the journey. he and Sansaa had been lovers for years when she told him that she was going to join the Leocrites. At first it was hard for him to understand. He took it as a judgment against him rather than a necessary, personal step toward her own growth. Her path did include him but was not glued to him. Vinny had become more accustomed to looking at things from a slightly different perspective in recent years and had grown to appreciate the relationship he shared with Sansaa. "Besides," he continued," I've become accustomed to looking at things from a slightly different perspective lately, I'd really like to check out the view from the "other side"!"

When they reached a place where they could survey the vista, there backs to the valley and the rest of the world before them, Blue found a spot to sit. He had recently started practicing yoga before he wound up in Tommy's body, so he wanted to assume the lotus position. Fortunately, Tommy's body was in no shape to perform such tricks, and it's just as well. Seeing Tommy in the lotus position probably would have been just a little too inconsistent for Vinny to ignore. Even so, Vinny gave Blue a quizzical look when he saw Tommy's body, cross-legged, back erect, gazing out at nature, peaceful and serene. "Come here, Vinny," Blue quickly said, before he had to field any questions form Vinny. "What do you see out there?"

Vinny turned to examine the view. He was blown away. It was beautiful beyond his imagination. He had never come this way before and among his friends, he was the only person who seemed to be truly interested in the Shadowlands. "I see land and water for as far as my eyes can see. A beautiful large river, the lake, more mountains, endless beauty. It was a great idea to check out this side, Tommy!"

"Do you see anything else?" Blue asked expectantly.

"What do you mean?" Vinny urged.

How about beams of light. Anything like that?' Tommy continued.

"No", Vinny laughed ,"whatd'ya mean, like the hand of Farb or something?"

"Well, sort of, but not really," Tommy answered,"you see, I DO see beams of light. all around us out there, there are giant beacons of light, heading up the sky right now."

"Tommy, I don't see them. Now that doesn't mean they aren't there, but I can't see them. I wonder if this has anything to do with the crystal?" Vinny said, trying to let Tommy know that he believed him."I think we should run this by Sansaa."

Blue agreed and Tommy and Vinny hopped back on board the VinnCycle.

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