
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love Smart Comebacks6

"Magic, it had to be some kind of magic. How else could it have just disappeared. Am I right? Is this all about some sort of magic," he thought to himself for a moment then continued," no, magic is too childish, too much of an illusion. This disappearance was no illusion. It simply vanished, there and then gone, no mirrors, no puffs of smoke, no beautiful woman to distract attention. Wait, what about you, he said pointing to her, it all happened shortly after you left the room!" Blue was not really implying that Anna Marie had anything at all to do with the disappearance of the crystal but he was so overcome with nervousness at her presence. A nervousness compounded by her silence. Still, it only took Blue a few moments with her to recognize that she did speak. Her reaction to his compliment, however shrouded in paranoiac hypothesis could have been recognized by a teenage boy half-way through a tweet delivered via Droid urgently attempting to LOL over OMG knows WTF, and Blue was instantly calmed by her blush and a smile that told him that she liked to hear him say that he found her beautiful, the true difference between magic and illusion.

Without a word, and despite his carrying on, she told him of the energy which flows between us all. Through a poetic dance of movement, she told the story, the small items she gleaned from the earth, characters in her silent play. Her hands like the wind which, over time, moves deserts and whips up the waves of the sea stirred in Blue a feeling both past and present, understanding, expectant and ultimately peaceful.

"Azure and Blue, together so quickly." Blue heard a voice whisper. He looked around to see that, as he had expected, Mojahdii had left him alone with Anna Marie. But she could not have spoken. He looked deeply into Anna Marie's eyes. She returned his gaze,"I didn't need to." Blue heard the voice more clearly now.

"Are you speaking to me telepathically?" Blue asked Anna Marie. This time her smile masqueraded a sadness both palpable and painful to Blue. Exasperated, he slumped forward, his eyes closed, his head in his hands.

"Trying too hard again with the ladies, eh Blue? Allow me!" a voice said closely into his ear as he felt a hand pull his shoulder back and there he was, Glurp, sliding in between Blue and Anna Marie.

"NO!", barked Blue who swatted at the air like he was surrounded by a thousand bees, each one mercilessly diving for his flesh. But there were no bees and there was no Glurp, only Anna Marie who sat, smiling peacefully, gently tying together the flowers and plants she had brought into the hut of Mojahdii.

She calmy reached out and took Blue's hand, gently opening it. Into his open palm, she placed the bundled offering with a warm expression which told him that he had been through enough for one day and that he should take her gift with him to ponder at a later time.

He wanted to kiss her, to thank her for the gift, to thank her for everything, but he realized that he had not received everything yet. How far he had to go, he did not know but of one thing he was certain, Anna Marie was going to help him get there. As he closed his hand around the bundle his sense of calm returned. Anna Marie took his other hand and led him through the hut and out into the night air.

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