
an illustrated novel

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love Smart Comebacks

Leer knew that Max was terrified of her father and could guess why. He was undoubtedly the "Boss" whether it was mob, gangs, freedom fighters, unions, foundations or something like the Illuminati didn't matter, Sal was the top dog in the big hotel. He was Brando in real life, or at least this real life and Leer was smart enough to respect that but aware enough of the bigger picture to not give it much credence. So when Max began to rush him out the door, he responded with just enough energy to keep her from panicking that her father was going to kill the man she found herself falling for in a way she had never expected to. "C'mon Victor, I'd better drive, no time for your usual cruise down Market Street to remind the "little people" that Victor is watching." Max said as she brushed by him and gave his ass a little pat just to let him know that she was still feeling good about the way things had been playing out between them.

Victor probably wouldn't have liked that very much but Leer found it endearing. "I'm all worn out," he replied quickly, "so I think I might catch a nap on the way. After all, if I'm going to get killed again, I want to look well rested."

It was just the right sort of reply to put Max at ease and it gave Leer a great way out of driving. Max would normally have to compete with Victor over whose reason made more sense or which vehicle was better suited to the time of day or the weather conditions, but Leer had no way of knowing these things so he didn't pursue them, besides, he had no idea where they were going. When they got to the garage, Leer paused. He had never seen anything quite like it and he had seen a lot. There were three rows of cars with enough room in between each car and spacing in between the rows to accommodate a brisk deployment of any number of them. Max walked her way toward a sleek black coupe that tucked itself down inside a little corner at the end of the furthest row saying, you do not want to drive me, I am far too fast and will be extremely upset with you if you scratch my ridiculously lustrous finish in any way at all. She ran her fingers over its profile with the same sort of stroking attention she had paid to Victor moments earlier.

"On second thought, I think I'll keep me eyes open, I want to watch how you make this baby follow your every command," Victor flirted and Max responded with a kiss which she blew across the roof of the car like she was sending it directly across the lustrous finish, directly to Victor's lips. As they entered the vehicle from either side, they kissed one another passionately across the center console, the stick shift in Max's hand ready to drive. And there was no mistaking, she was going to drive it hard.

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