
an illustrated novel

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love

It was impulsive and she felt like she shouldn't be doing it but she did it anyway. She didn't care about anyone else, she was drawn to him. She allowed herself to dwell on every inch of his body, her sense of smell awakened in a way she associated only with childhood memories, as if noticing something so essential was reserved for that part of life, but her attraction to him seemed to amplify her ability to discern the nuance of his scent. It was basic, almost animal and in a way both surprisingly and indescribably pure. She thought that she would be in trouble for her behavior. Then she thought again, reasoning that, in fact, she was not a child and that she was entitled to this. Time, alone with a man, feeling warmth, passion and security. "Bast him!" she blurted out.

"Bast who?" he asked calmly.

"I'm sick of jumping up and running to his side like a little obedient dog every time my father calls," Max was a whirl of emotion, rationalization and determination all vying for control of her actions. Leer had guessed it was a Sal reference even before he asked but for a moment he thought she might be talking about Tommy. Leer is an amazingly good judge of character and even better at recognizing the clues which people place around to incriminate themselves through body language, facial expression and tone of voice, so it was easy for him to recognize that Max was attracted to Tommy both physically and out of a rebellious streak toward her father which she buried under the violence she perpetrated on his behalf. So it was of no suprize to Leer when the very next thing Max said to him was, "We'd better get going, Victor, or my dad's going to kill you!"

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