
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 5 Watercolor

Blue was pretty excited to get the chance to paint as a means of expressing himself in this strange new world. He didn't really care if Tommy was a painter or not. After all, Tommy couldn't do half the stuff Tommy did since Blue was Tommy. What surprised Blue most however, was what came out when he just let the painting happen. He was able to travel right back to one of those places he had been in his dreams. After finishing his first painting, he was so inspired that he quickly started another. This is his first. It depicts the "Light Wizards" as he calls them. From what he can surmise, they conduct energy through their hands. What that means, he plans to explore further with Anna Marie but at the moment, he needs clean water.

A detail of the "Light Wizards Dream 1" painting showing Tommy "conducting". At least Blue is pretty sure it's him or Tommy or Onjadiavaan. He really wishes Anna Marie could just TELL him what's going on. Truthfully though, he knows, by virtue of the changes he has already undergone, that the discovery is his alone to make. Anna Marie and the others can only help him to find the way.

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