
an illustrated novel

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 5 Watercolor 2

Blue worked quickly to create a painting called "Cosmic Dancer" before Anna Marie came back. He was pretty sure that she was the "woman" in his dreams who always seemed to be wearing a tutu. It really wasn't a tutu and she wasn't really a woman, at least that's how Blue evaluated the dream. He was trying to understand the dream more deeply by painting them without judgment, without evaluating each  brushstroke as he normally did, without measuring every aspect of the content for its appropriateness or potency. He had the idea to make a potato print, something he hadn't done on a painting in a long time, but he was afraid he would be unable to do it since he needed rubber cement or another type of resist to achieve the look he desired. When he looked in the bag he saw three things that surprised him, there was a jar that looked just like a rubber cement jar labelled "Water Resist", a very sharp little knife, just like his exacto knife that he loved to use for carving fine details in things like rubber stamps and potatoes, and a potato. Blue decided to stop being surprised that Anna Marie knew him better than he knew himself. He did wonder, though if it was appropriate to ask a woman from another world for her hand in marriage. Slowly, the thought that it might not be such a good thing to be married to someone who knows him better than he knows himself began to crawl its way across his brain. It settled into the crevices between the fleshy, bumpy, tube-like bits even while his hand created a beautiful representation of the light wizard most likely to be Anna Marie.

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