
an illustrated novel

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 2

Blue had dreams, wild dreams incredible dreams; Glurp didn't show up in any of them. He dreamt all night in extreme detail. He saw things he had never seen and travelled to places he had never been and everything was full of light. When he awoke he was all alone in the tent but the smell of coffee hung so close he could taste it. Sunlight streamed into the tent and bathed his face. When his eyes had adjusted, he could see the burly silhouette of Vinny sitting with what appeared to be two women and a lanky bouncing monkey. As he peeked his head out from the tent he could see more clearly that the women were Sansaa and Anna Marie and the monkey was Targent.

"Good morning sunshine," Vinny laughed as he leaned toward Tommy his extended hand offering a piping hot cup of coffee. "We've been waiting for you to rise from the sleep of the dead, but I guess that you've been there done that!"

Blue laughed as he took the coffee from Vinny,"You're right, and I could have kept sleeping and avoided this whole Shedavah situation entirely!" Blue looked around the table to see that no one but he realized he was joking. "Seriously though," he quickly added,"I'm very happy to be alive but I feel terrible about losing Shedavah." Anna Marie shook her head and calmly smiled, placing a hand on his knee as he sat next to her. Targent stopped jumping and Sansaa stood up to walk around Vinny and sit closer to Tommy.

"You haven't lost Shedavah, Tommy. You have transformed Shedavah." Sansaa smiled warmly, letting Blue know that there was no reason to be concerned that he was guilty of any wrong-doing.

Targent climbed down from the rock he was perched on and sat at the table. Although he had been in the Shadowlands and was learning about Shedavah, he knew nothing of the transformation. His silly antics came to a hault as he learned of it. He was eager to know more and Blue noticed a difference in his eyes, focused and hungry.

Sansaa continued, "I am not the one to teach you," her eyes falling upon Anna Marie, "but now is the time for you to learn how to summon to energy of Shedavah, guide it, radiate it as only you, the discoverer of the crystal can. Mojahdii has been training all of us to find the crystal, or so we were led to believe, but a few of us have always known that we would not be capable. The discoverer is not only important in bringing the crystal into its physical form but also in transforming it , conducting it into its next phase, for Shedavah is a living thing, a developing state of being, existing in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic states simultaneously across many worlds, confined by none yet inextricably linked to all. Even Mojahdii himself does not know what lies beyond the oneness of Shedavah though he has been to other worlds. Even Mojahdii could not conduct the energy of Shedavah in the manner in which it must be done because he was not not the discoverer, only the preparer, "Koshvallah". "Onjadiavaan" is the only one capable of fulfilling the connection of Shedavah to our world. The discoverer, "Onjadiavaan", is you Tommy."

Vinny grabbed onto his own face as if checking to see that it was firmly attached to his head, squeezing his thumb and fingers into his eye sockets like the pressure would somehow enable him to comprehend what he had just heard. His large hand slid further down his face pulling his mouth down, opening it slightly releasing a small,"uh". Quietly, as if holding back the urge to shout out WHAT  IN THE BASTIN' FARBUNKLE ARE YOU TALKIN' ABOUT he said, "Sansaa, I'm sorry but are you saying that my brother is some sort of holy man or something?"

Seeing the difficulty Vinny was having processing the information Sansaa tried to deliver the message in a slightly different fashion. "No Vinny, Tommy is neither holy or unholy." Vinny eased back in his chair a bit. "You see, truthfully, Shedavah is neither holy or unholy. Shedavah simply is, through all that is, in all that is." Vinny's face looked as though someone had opened a little door in the top of his head and dropped about a dozen ice cubes inside. Tommy on the other hand sat and looked at Sansaa as if nothing could have made more sense. Blue was thinking of the words "all that is", remembering them from the starcruizer.

Tommy got up from his chair and stood behind Vinny, placing his hands on his shoulders to comfort him in some way,"Well, I guess that explains everything, doesn't it?" He circled the table until he was looking back across it directly at Sansaa and leaning forward asked,"well if it's all up to me, why did Mojahdii make all of you waste your time looking for the crystal?"

During this entire conversation, Anna Marie had been silently arranging small stones on the table. Everyone was so interested in the words that were shared that even Sansaa had not noticed what Anna Marie was creating. Anna Marie stopped, reached her arms straight out, palms down, then opened them upward and outward, inviting all to look at her creation. There, on the table was a perfect circle , concentric rings of stones surrounding a single stone in the center. She pointed to the center stone and then to Tommy. Then with her other hand she traced the rings of the concentric circles and motioned similarly to everyone else at the table.

Sansaa said,"We are all here to help you." She looked to Vinny to guage his reaction. Tears were welling up in the big man's eyes as if he had just experienced a revelation. He stood up to his full height and gave Tommy the bear-hug of his life. Targent bounced up and down as if he had just been released from a cage and Sansaa and Anna Marie smiled with satisfaction.

When Vinny had set him down, Tommy spoke,"Well, this should be a rather interesting day, I think I might want another cup of coffee!" Everyone laughed.

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