
an illustrated novel

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chapter12 Shadowlanding in the hut of Mojahdii cont.

"Shedavah, at last my friends," Mojahdii addressed the gathering, brimming with love, happiness and hope. "Here, among us, ours but not ours, solid, physical, while anything but!" he looked with calm upon Blue as he said,"Welcome Tommy. I apologize for the suddenness of our devout attention to you and the crystal. It is presumptuous of me to announce your discovery and perhaps more than a little rude to assume that you might want to share a glimpse of Shedavah with those assembled here but I assure you, there is no better place and no more supportive an environment in which to reveal the treasure you now hold."

Tommy rose to his feet but did not present the crystal. He walked to his brother Vinny and laid a hand on his shoulder. Vinny reached his hand up to squeeze Tommy's, acknowledging the gesture of kinship yet oblivious to the motive. As Vinny's hand touched Tommy's, he pulled his brother up from the floor in a single sweeping movement as effortlessly as lifting a feather. Tommy had always been strong, but Vinny was stronger, until now. Both men looked at one another in surprise, then began to laugh. Mojahdii, Sansaa and a few of the others laughed with the brothers out of sheer amazement and excitement at the unexpected display of power. The rest of the group just sat in awe, silent and waiting.

"I didn't discover Shedavah, we did," Tommy smiled as he held Vinny firmly around the shoulders. I don't know anything about Shedavah or why you all want it so much but I do know that the OmegaLux Crystal was well protected, cleverly hidden and cost many fighters their lives, even if it was just a game. Those who searched for it had a bond, they were joined in a quest and they were betrayed by one of their own. The crystal was nothing but an imaginary prize in a virtual environment within a game. I felt an indescribable sense of knowing. Each new thing that I had to know came to me as I needed it. I had a great teammate in the mission and I got lucky."

"That was not luck, but you are right about your brother, you could not have asked for a better partner in your quest than Vincent. In the brief time that I have had the pleasure of his company, I have grown to appreciate his gentle strength and humility, a rare trait in a man who possesses such physical strength." Mojahdii continued,"Might we all get an opportunity to see the crystal?"

Tommy smiled as he reached into his pocket. he felt the crystal instantly warm in his hands. As he lifted it from his pocket, it began to glow becoming more and more brilliant as he held it higher. When he had reached the full length of his arms, Shedavah glowed so brightly that few could look upon it any longer and suddenly it vanished.

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