
an illustrated novel

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love Smart Comebacks3

Leer had been in and out of various lives too many times to let conventional morality cloud his judgment when it came to personal pleasure. In fact, he had become so good at allowing himself to experience personal pleasure that he practically exuded optimism which, although she could not define it for herself, was precisely the reason that Max found herself falling for him. As she sped toward her father's clubhouse, she did so with far more confidence than she had in a very long time, feeling that no matter what happened, it was going to be okay as long as she was with Victor. Normally she would have been dreading the meeting, arming herself mentally and emotionally against both Victor and her father. Tonight was different. Tonight, she and Victor were going to see Sal together.

"Don't worry about Sal, Max," Leer said soothingly as he reclined as deeply as he could in the passenger seat of the sporty little coupe that raced its way across the glittering highway at 90 something. "He'll forget all about us being late once we discuss the shipment. How he'll feel about the whole Tommy Levito issue is still a variable, but either way, I think it's safe to assume that any tardiness on our part won't factor too heavily into the equation.

Max felt like Victor could see inside of her very soul, like it was supposed to be when someone really cared for you and this made her nervous in an entirely different way. She decided stop thinking and focus on driving. the coupe shot up to 120, getting them to Sal's in no time.

Leer sat up and surveyed the situation. He quickly opened his door and leaped to the other side, springing over the hood with one hand as if he were a gymnast on a vaulting horse. Before Max knew what was happening, Victor had opened her door and was holding his hand out to her like a gentleman would treat a lady in some fairy tale from her childhood. She reached up and placed her hand in his allowing him to gently guide her up from her seat, in a single motion he took the keys from her other hand and closed the door to the coupe. As he did so, he gestured in the direction of the clubhouse and said, "After you, Max." Although Leer truly is a gentleman, he did not behave in this fashion without purpose. The clubhouse was quite large, with a number of paths leading to a number of different entrances. By allowing Max to lead slightly, he was able to judge which entrance they would normally enter through.

Unaware of any of this, Max nearly curtsied as she walked past Victor saying in her best, flirting, princess-like voice, " Why Victor, a lady could get used to such treatment, I hope these little surprises keep coming." then she turned toward the back of the building, walking directly toward a stone-lined path which seemed to flow over the hillside, leading directly to a lower level patio where the large goon with a peanut allergy stood guard.

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