
an illustrated novel

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 5 Anna Marie Returns cont

Anna Marie reached out for Blue's hand, she turned it over within her own and gently pulled his fingers open so his palm was open to the sky. He half expected a flower to appear, but there was nothing, just an empty palm. She gently brushed the open palm with the backs of her fingertips in a sweeping motion and guided her hand to the sky, as she did she echoed the motion with her other hand so she was fully extended as if showing Blue all there was above him. He followed the motion upward and his thoughts followed his eyes. Anna Marie was telling him that his hands had the power to open up and free the energy, not hers. She leaned in close to him and smiled, letting him know that it was absolutely fine with her. As she did, she stretched across him to look at the other painting. Blue reached for it and quickly slid it toward the end of the table attempting to hide it but she caught his arm. This made two feelings well up within him instantly, shame and admiration. He was ashamed because the dancer he had painted, which he had convinced himself was Anna Marie probably wasn't and he was struck with admiration for her because she had stopped him from hiding the painting, not by slamming her hand down on the paper it was painted on, as so many unaware individuals might, but by stopping his arm, allowing him to control the paper so it did not get damaged in any way. The odd thing about Blue was that he loved mixing up all sorts of media that weren't necessarily compatible but he loathed when someone dented his drawing or watercolor paper by mishandling it. Overwhelmed by the feeling of assurance this conveyed to him, he presented Anna Marie with "Cosmic Dancer".

She absolutely beamed. Immediately she sprang into the air as if she had been launched like and arrow from the string of a bow. She landed on the other side of the table, balancing perfectly on the very tips of her toes, as slowly, gracefully she bent the single supporting leg, her trailing leg, fully extended at first, sliding smoothly along as she drew it forward etching an unbelievably straight and even line in the sandy dirt using the very tip of the longest toe of her other foot. Her arms were both slightly raised above her head, her hands reaching, backward at first, then slowly, steadily forward as she stepped into the lunge. She was the Cosmic Dancer!

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