
an illustrated novel

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 1

"Tommy, I really had no idea what you were onto when you got the crystal. Sansaa has been telling me a little bit more about Shedavah.  I had never really paid much attention to it. I mean, I figured it was just the spiritual stuff she was into but had nothing to do with me, but damn it Tommy, the crystal! First, my team had tried, over and over again to get the crystal and you get it the first time you go after it, pulling it out of thin air, then I bring you here and it turns out to be something supernatural that they have all been waiting for. Then, you pull the bastin' thing out of your pocket to show everybody and it turns into the light of Farb then disappears, what the Varst was that!" Vinny started talking so fast that Blue just listened. "Bastin' Farbunkle, Tommy, the crystal is almost like Farb to these people. Sansaa said that they believe that Shedavah is Farb and the crystal is Shedavah and that you are Shedavah. Oh and guess who else is Shedavah, three guesses and the first two don't count, that's right, me! Yep, every Farb-damned one of us is Shedavah, to a degree. You just happen to be right up there with Farb and Mojahdii right now. Of course, Sansaa keeps saying it isn't like that, none of us is better than the other , we all have our own part to play and we are all important in our own ways. Beezle, Tommy, you're it. All I know is, this isn't going to be the place to get away from it all. I'm really sorry about this, little bro'."

Blue was happy that all of Vinny's excitement led to an apology because he really didn't want Vinny to be pissed off or hurt about the whole crystal thing. Still, Blue was starting to feel like he had a fair idea of what had to happen next, he only hoped he could pull it off. He had to discover whether he was Quanjii or not, restore the crystal to the people of the Shadowlands and get Leer and himself back to Earth, America, and apple pie. "I know you were trying to help, Vinny," he said, "but I had no idea the crystal was Shedavah either. We've got to stay here until we figure out why I ended up with the crystal. What I want to know now is, where do I sleep."

"You and me, a nice big tent and nothin' but stars bro'." Vinny smiled as he patted Blue on the back. "I would have set it up myself but the whole thing is in one big bundle and I just didn't feel like moving it out of the shed all by myself. Besides, I think I just saved you from a night in the stinky hut. Targent is one of those incense guys, you'd be lucky if you were able to breathe in there let alone sleep!"

"Thanks Vinny," Tommy responded as the two men rounded the corner of the shed. Inside they found a large bundled tent, lifting it was clearly the work of two men with large supports and a thick, canvas-like fabric all tied together. Vinny positioned himself at one end and indicated to Tommy that he should take the other side. Together they lifted the large load and made their way out of the shed.

There was a large hill with an open field at its summit about a half of a mile away. There was a rather nasty little obstacle between the field and the shed, a dried up riverbed ran through the projected path and there was no way around it. The land just dropped off, down into the dried up bed and then rose straight up the other side. "There's an area over here that is just a little more gradual," said Vinny, "we should make our descent there."

The two of them walked another fifty yards or so and reached the spot, the load was getting heavier but was manageable. Vinny walked ahead, with the bundle on his right shoulder while Tommy had the rear, the bundle on the same shoulder. Vinny hoisted the bundle up into both hands, slightly over his head, and Tommy followed his lead. They began inching their way down carefully. All was going smoothly until Vinny's footing suddenly went out from under him as the ground just crumbled. the action of the fall made his hands fly up, launching his end of the bundle up in the air. He lost control and fell backward, his head hitting the ground where his feet had been a moment earlier, his end of the bundle speeding its way back down toward his face.

Inches from his nose, the bundle froze in mid-air. In the split-second it took Vinny to fall, Tommy reacted, quickly changing his grip, he reached out and held onto a pole, tied toward the outside of the bundle. One hand reached out toward the center of the bundle while the other firmly held his end. No one should have been able to do that, it was superhuman. Tommy remained standing in that position, smiling, long enough for Vinny to move out from below the weighty hazard, then he eased the bundle to the ground.

"Beezle, bro, you are bastin' amazing!" Vinny said, totally relieved that his face was still in one piece. The rest of the walk was uneventful. Tommy's speed in assembling the tent structure was no less astounding and he and Vinny were resting peacefully moments later. "You know, Sansaa said that you would get the crystal back soon, and I gotta say, I believe it. With what I saw tonight, I believe you could do just about anything" Vinny oozed with pride over his brother's newfound powers.

"Yeah, Vinny, something wild definitely happened on the night I came back, I just have to try to learn what it's all about. I'm glad you're here to help me." Tommy said as he stretched out completely on his sleeping back.

Me too, Tommy, me too," Vinny answered as he extinguished the lantern they had between them, "Goodnight little brother."

"Goodnight Vinny"

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