
an illustrated novel

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love Smart Comebacks2

Max fired up the roadster and launched it from its little nook at the end of the line, shooting past the row of similarly awesome vehicles in Victor's collection. Anybody, even Leer, would be impressed with this line-up of automobiles. He was having the slightest feeling of satisfaction creep over him that he owned all these kick-ass cars until he reminded himself that he had more than likely earned them through criminal if not unsavory means. Ahead of them a door was opening slowly, too slowly he thought for it to open fast enough for them not to crash into it. Suddenly the surface upon which they were driving nearly dropped out from under them and became a ramp, much like those found on large military transport planes. With the drop of the floor and the continued opening of the door, they cleared it just in time, hitting the street at a good eighty miles an hour, if not faster. The dashboard displayed the number 83 but there was no way to know for certain at this point what 83 represented. It could be miles per hour, kilometers per hour or mushrooms per minute, if there even were minutes in the land of JumpJuice, Farb and money, or mushrooms for that matter. "Nice driving!" he said uncontrollably, after all, it was pretty impressive considering the last place he lived no one ever drove anywhere, man or woman, and the place before that, women spent most of there days weaving, baking and pumping out babies. He had forgotten that Victor was ordinarily more likely to complain than compliment.

Fortunately, Max was already getting used to the new Victor. "I think I should let daddy kill you after all, you're so much more agreeable after you've risen from the dead," she joked as she whipped the car around a hairpin turn then slipped nicely in between two large trucks a bus and a van.

"I'd be okay with that Max, as long as I got to do everything we've been doing all over again. Now that would be worth dying for,"Leer knew that Max wanted to hear that Victor felt that way about her and he wasn't sure if Victor actually ever did but the truth of the matter is that he did. Leer was really enjoying himself with Max. He knew that Blue would be working to discover a way back home whether he turned out to be a Quanji or not but that didn't mean that he couldn't at least enjoy himself a little during the process.

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