
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chapter 13 Dumb Love Smart Comebacks5

Max walked out of the elevator past two burly goons who didn't look particularly happy to see her or Victor. She headed toward an archway which led to a larger room, in which presumably she would find Sal. Leer was just a couple of steps behind her when a large chunk of the floor above him came crashing down directly on his face, at least that's what it felt like. Still it felt enough like a fist for Leer to realize that he was going to receive a beating at the hands of the goons. In the fraction of a moment that it took him to come to this realization, he reacted. With the weight of his body pulling him toward the floor in the direction of goon number two, he was an easy target for the club hand of goon number two who took it upon himself to deliver a more powerful blow than goon number one. As he beared down upon Victor's face with everything he had he was suddenly assisted, guided forward by an unexpected aide, Leer himself, who quickly caught the hand of his assailant, wrapping his own hands around the hand of the goon and leaning his entire body into the blow, thereby rolling himself up and over the back of the stunned behemoth. Before goon number two could understand what had just happened, Leer delivered a backward kick directly into the back of the knee of his would-be assailant, snapping it hard, forcing the giant to his knees. Attacker number one was already stepping into his second punch with a good line on Victor's face when Leer dropped down, folding at the knees, arching his back fully as he echoed the catch of the fist from a slightly different angle, turning goon one toward goon two while forcing his own right forearm up over the left of number one. As he did this he channelled his bodyweight directly into the twist, using his elbow to push down upon the back of the elbow of his assailant's left jab. This served two purposes, he broke goon one's arm and landed him directly on top of goon two. Both men lay groaning on the floor as Leer spun on his heels to face the sound of applause which suddenly rang from the archway.

Sal lorenzo stood smiling and clapping before him with a stunned Max by his side. She turned toward Sal and snapped,"Daddy!", a look of consternation and disapproval, tempered by the understanding that the attack was over moved across her face as she continued,"Why in Farb's name would you do such a thing?"

"I didn't," he chuckled,"they did," he smiled, motioning to the wounded men on the floor.

"Hello Sal," Leer said, more than just a little distainfully as he ripped his own shirt off his back and worked to fashion a sling for the arm of goon one who was clearly under orders and knowing that the fight was over was ready to assume his rightful place in the chain of command, which by all indications was , Sal, Victor, Max, then everybody else. "I don't think this was about being a little late", Victor continued as he skillfully pulled the leg of number two in just the right way to noticably ease his painful grimmace.

"You are absolutely correct Victor, do forgive me but I couldn't stop myself from indulging in a little test of your testicles!" Sal jauntily responded,"You see, I was a little worried that perhaps you were weakened by the whole death thing and that was why you didn't kill Tommy Levito a second time when you had the opportunity. Now that I know that you can still handle yourself with a certain measure of skill, I can only conclude that you have a good reason to leave Levito alive despite the fact that he is now in possession of MY JumpJuice!"

Leer was feeling exceedingly confident at this point. He had bested two formidable opponents quite handily. He had a great deal of respect for Victor's body after it performed so well. Leer had the experience of fighting in a great many different bodies but there was no way of knowing what the body you were in could do until you actually had to use it. Leer was pretty sure that he could kill Sal without too much trouble if he had to, whether Sall was armed or not, though he had no intention of doing so. Instead, he simply responded. "Tommy Levito doesn't have your JumpJuice."

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