
an illustrated novel

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chapter 11 All Mixed Up

"Where do you think Sal is right now?" Leer asked Max, knowing that an eventual meeting was unavoidable.

"He's probably still in Cleveland," Max smiled. "You know how he loves Cleveland, besides, he's got a lot of business to look after there. if you know what I mean?"

"Well, not exactly, I mean, what could possibly be going on in Cleveland?" Victor laughed.

"Very funny, Victor," Max replied, you know full well that Cleveland is probably the biggest city for JumpJuice in the country, well, maybe Belfast is bigger, but Cleveland is at least second. Anyway, you're just yankin' my chain aren't you?"

Leer realized that he had made a stupid mistake. It's hard to remain on your toes at all times when it comes to alternate time lines and parallel worlds. Just because beef is beef doesn't mean that Cleveland is Cleveland and Belfast may not even be in Ireland. Actually, there may not even be an Ireland, St. Patrick's Day, leprechauns or even Guinness, perish the thought.

"Oh, I get it," Max continued,"You're still upset about the last time we hit Cleveland and I left you handcuffed to the bed for a whole morning while Zeek hammered the roulette wheel for 30k." Max teased him, her expression triumphant as she climbed into Victor's lap and reached past his head to the backrest of the mind-blowing chair he found himself sitting in. It was like a Porsche and a luxury recliner built into one. Max eased her face closer to his by grinding into his lap, arching her back and leaning in, her triumph turning to a pout as she said, but you had it coming to you, didn't you Vic?!"

If Leer had truly been Victor, he would have recognized this routine and known what to expect. As it was though, he was inwardly praying that he would survive.

"You had to drag me to every strip club, fantasy gift shop and pleasure palace on the strip, while you and the boys ogled and stuffed every G-string and plastic rack in Cleveland!" Max hula-ed her hips and ground down harder onto Leer so the only thing between them was the denim of his trousers and what little she was calling underwear these days. She bent her elbows, snapping in on him like a steel trap closing on a defenseless animal, her breasts tight against his chest, her mouth breathing his exhalations."I thought I made you forget about all those girls Vic, she punctuated with a little more grind, then reached for a remote on the end table adjacent to the chair. "Looks like I'm going to have to try a little harder," she grinned and ground just a little more, pressing a button on the remote and the chair sprang to life. The arms opened forward at the front and speakers rose from within, gliding into place. Music enveloped them as Max danced upon Leer's denim. He still wasn't sure where Cleveland was, but for now, he didn't care.

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