
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chapter12 Shadowlanding Tommy and Mojahdii

One by one the men and women who had gathered within the hut of Mojahdii began filing out into the evening air. It was a warm evening with the slightest breeze, just cool enough to make it the perfect night to soothe the disappointment they were all feeling. Even though Mojahdii acted as if they hadn't a care in the world that the crystal had mysteriously vanished, the people were inconsolable. They had been trying to accomplish the very thing that Tommy had accomplished though they looked for the crystal in very different ways. The people of the Shadowlands were many, so these few who had assembled in the hut of Mojahdii were a privileged group, chosen by Mojahdii himself to witness the very event which was now causing them such anguish.

"They will survive," Mojahdii intimated to Tommy as the last of the group left the hut."They will soon come to understand that by helping you with their thoughts, intentions and meditation, they will be a part of what must be, facilitators of the new way, conductors for the great passage." Mojahdii smiled as Blue sat silently listening, acutely interested yet patient. "I realize that you were not looking for Shedavah, Blue, but now that you have it, you must learn to use it." Mojahdii paused, looking deeper into Blue, his eyes telling Blue that it would be proper to ask his next question while letting him know that he did not have to. Blue remained silent. "You are truly the right man for the job, Blue. It was good of you to come so far, you must have great faith in your friend John Tanner. Leer has done well to bring you this far, but even he cannot give you what you need to move forward, but I imagine he has already told you as much." Blue heaved a sigh of disbelief and relief with the same breath, Mojahdii would clearly be able to tell him whether he was a Quanji or not."No, I cannot, Blue," Mojahdii said as he placed a hand on Blue's shoulder,"I am not permitted. Only you can discover whether or not you are Quanji. What I can do is help you to discover the answer, and yes, I will also explain what I mean when I say that you have Shedavah. There is someone coming who will help you first. You may have noticed that she left the hut when I revealed that you were in posession of the crystal. Do not misinterpret her silence for unhappiness, nor her humility for ignorance. She did not need to see the crystal to know that you had Shedavah just as she has no need for speech to teach what you must learn."

At this very moment she entered the hut. She was more beautiful than Blue was able to appreciate at first glance. She entered with a slight bow and held a small bundle of freshly picked herbs, leaves, grasses and flowers in her outstretched hands, seemingly from nowhere, Mojahdii produced a uniquely carved wooden tray upon which she set the plants. Blue had only one thought in his mind as he looked at her but he could never tell you what it was, in fact, he was pretty sure that he was able to think of nothing. He did this for several minutes while she slowly fanned the plants out on the board, arranging them very carefully, then looked directly into his eyes.

As Blue became immobilized Mojahdii said softly, "Tommy this is Anna Marie, Anna Marie, this is Tommy." Anna Marie smiled at Tommy then took his hand in hers. In his palm she placed the single blossom of a flower. It was the most brilliant blue flower he had ever seen. Anna Marie gently curled his fingertips around the blossom and held his hand between both of hers as she bowed sweetly to him, then slowly opened his curled fingers and the flower was gone.

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