
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 4

Blue was feeling pretty confident that something incredible was happening to him that fell somewhere in the category of "Beyond Known Abilities". Whether the "Onjadiavaan and the OmegaLux Crystal - Shedavah" story was the proper explanation for all of the occurrences of late, had yet to be proven within his normally skeptical mind. However, he had been trying to open up to the supernatural, to extend his awareness and willingness to accept and to embrace possibilities no matter how unlikely they seemed. The hard part to him was the bit about channelling all of the energy, serving as a conduit between worlds across undefinable, possibly infinite spaces in realms he had no idea even existed. So when Anna Marie pulled a pad of watercolor paper, some tubes of watercolor paint, several brushes and a small mixing palette from her bag and set it before him on the table he was not only relieved but felt empowered; excited even. When she looked at him with eyes that said, these are for you and I'd like for you to use them, the radio button next to the category of "Known Abilities" was instantly clicked on the manage profile page of his mind. This was how he had begun to think about things because it all seemed too much like virtual reality, like he was caught in an elaborate game. He was having trouble reconciling the fact that the symbol of great energy, oneness and spiritual enlightenment was delivered to him from within a video game. Granted, it was the single most spectacular video game he had ever played with the most believable interface ever conceived, but if the fight with Z could be as convincing as it was, and the crystal materialized from within the game, then why couldn't all of this still be part of a much larger game. Blue began to doubt his grasp on reality until he touched the paper, slightly textured, absorbent, thick enough to not be flimsy thin enough that he was happy that it was on a block so it would not curl.  He touched it for awhile, then did the same with the brushes, moistening the finer ones with his lips and tongue, surveying the fineness of their tips. The gentle touch of Anna Marie's hand upon his arm sealed the deal that this was real.

She looked at him with great seriousness and determination in her eyes, pointing to him, then to the paper. She made a gesture like she was holding a brush and sweeping it across the paper. Blue's eyes followed her hands as they came together like praying hands which she gracefully turned and slid under her cheek as if laying her head upon a pillow. Then, with her head, still tilted sideways, her eyes closed, she peeked one eye open and pointed gently with both forefingers directly at Blue's head. Closing her eyes again fully she motioned toward her own head whisking her fingers around her head as if little puffs of thought, dreams were floating out of here mind. Balling her hands around the very puffs she had articulated with her fingers, she seemed to capture them, pulling them down toward the table, dumping them out upon the pad of paper as she opened her eyes to see if Tommy had understood her pantomime.

"You want me to paint my dreams?" he asked. She smiled in response. "All of them?" he continued. She shrugged in response as if to say that it was up to him how much he painted. "Are you going to stay with me?" he asked. She shook her head no as she rose from the table and turned to leave. As she did, he asked. "How do you know I can paint? I might need your help." Anna Marie turned back toward him and shook her finger in mock disapproval as she turned away again, smiling.. "Oh, I should have guessed, you know a lot about me. Please, do me a favor, when I get to the point where I know as much about myself as you know about me, will you let me know?" Blue said half-jokingly. Anna Marie smiled and curtsied, then turning like a ballerina, she left Blue to paint his dreams.

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