
an illustrated novel

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 11 All Mixed Up Again the Dreams

"It was just orgasmic. I mean, I can't really describe the feeling any more clearly except that in addition to the feeling of supreme satisfaction there was an airy sort of bliss that ran through my entire being. When I held it, it seemed soft at first, like it was going to slip through my fingers, then it got so hard that I could believe it was doing that, right in my hands!" Blue told Vinny all about the moment he first held the OmegaLux Crystal. It was good to get away from everyone who might want a piece of Tommy Levito and chill with Vinny. blue found that Vinny was just about the coolest cat he had ever met and now he was his brother.

They had decided to get to the Shadowlands without hesitation after the brief encounter with Sal Lorenzo and the boys. The ride was quick, scenic and highly unusual for the Levito brothers. Tommy asked Vinny if he could ride WITHOUT any jumpJuice. This was not a new idea for Vinny who rarely used the stuff unless he was with Tommy but his assumption was that Tommy ALWAYS wanted JumpJuice. When Blue asked Vinny if he could refrain from blasting him with the stuff while on their ride to the Shadowlands, Vinny outright hugged him breathless right there, the moment he asked and said,"Oh brother, you don't know how long I have been waiting for you to ask me that! You're too good for the shit. If you never did that crap again it would be too soon for me. Stupid expression, but you get my point."

Blue did, and he was relieved. He needed time to think clearly about all that was happening to him. there was a lot to learn about being Tommy and much to discover about this new world. Also, the dreams had started again.

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