
an illustrated novel

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapter18 Acting Lessons - Lesson 1

Leer had already begun to show signs that Victor was, in fact, becoming just the sort of leader to inspire loyalty. The way he handled the meeting at Sal's club house made an impression on Sal's goons which was quietly spreading below Sal's own radar. Victor's response to the discovery of the shoe bomb and his quick and decisive reaction to Abe's disruption illustrated his ability to handle the unexpected, while everything that followed right up to the present indicated that he had a plan to move in a new direction. For most of the team, any time they weren't being shot at and were being well fed was luxurious, so compared to some of the other guys they had worked for, Victor seemed pretty alright. Dr. Case had made a good initial impression and was about to assist in the process of establishing Victor as the sort of leader one could believe in, beginning with lesson one.

The team was split into four groups and each of those groups had a leader, chosen at random by drawing lots. Victor was not permitted to be in any of the groups because he had other assignments to perform as part of the group's education. Each person in each group was paired with one of the beautiful people. They were allowed to choose which beautiful person they wanted to be with as long as they had not already been chosen. It actually worked out quite well with the exception of the Fiorelli twins who couldn't make up their minds and Marv's inability to decide between the two beautiful men. Since they had already agreed to go with Max on her turn, they agreed to do the same with Marv. Samuel also chose to go with a male partner, he chose Vladimir and Nick went with Carlo. While one group was going into these "meetings" the others were playing games. One group was playing the "I am the Leader" game, another the "I'll tell you with my body game" and the third the "very first person I would kill" game. While all of the games were enlightening for players and instructors alike the one that was most critical to the success of the mission was the "meeting game".

The build-up to the meeting game was overtly sexual. Each couple or threesome would enter a room together and close the door. The room was dimly lit and soothing music played inside. As the team members were brought into the room, the beautiful person would ask the team member to take a seat, offer a drink and then sit directly across from the team member and begin a conversation. Each conversation started with a few getting to know you type questions such as "What do you like to do with your spare time?" - "Do you like animals?" - "What is your favorite color?"; and all of these questions were asked by the beautiful people while flirtatiously fondling certain items in the room or sprawling gorgeously across some innocent piece of furniture. In the course of less than five minutes each the beautiful people had found out everything they could ever hope to want to know about the shipment and dismissed each team member with a dazzling smile and the promise of a special surprise as long as the team member kept their conversation secret and private.

Several hours later the team assembled in the shed, each member confident that he or she would be receiving the surprise. That fact of the matter is that they all did.

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