
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chapter 17 Home is where you decide it is - Family Ties 5

"Bobby was a natural to run the operation, as a matter of fact, he would have been my first choice to take over for Victor if you actually had beaten him to death, or more correctly, if he hadn't gotten back up after you did. So, Bobby was every bit as good at getting the boys to hustle, load and arm the shipment efficiently as Victor and everything was in place. The convoy was set and the drones were loaded just in case anything went wrong, which was the plan, so the drones had to be disabled. Well, the only way to disable the drones is to disable Aldo because Aldo is fiercely loyal to Victor, as loyal as that bastin' collie on the TV, you know the one that barks for a minute and then the guy says,'what did you say girl, Timmy fell into the well, but everything's okay, just a few scrapes, minor cuts and bruises', bark, bark,bark,'what's that girl, he's hungry and we'd better get him some food or he'll pass out?' Dammit Tommy what's that Bastin' dog's name?!" Sal seemed genuinely distressed by the name of the TV dog escaping him and Blue started to laugh. There was no way in hell or varst for that matter that it could be the same damn dog.

"Lassie?" he said, almost inaudibly.

"LASSIE! Bastin' Farbunkle that's it, LASSIE, you see Tommy, that's why you're number one in my book. I could have recited the whole bastin' show and none of these mollywumps would even know what I was talking about. Could you believe that dog? Farb! She was amazing, and loyal. Loyal, that's my point, Aldo is, was and always will be loyal to Victor. He may seem like he's always complaining and making fun of everybody for being dumber than him but he loves that Victor. I think it had something to do with Victor kickin' the crap outta anybody who messed with Aldo when they were kids, leastwise anybody but you and Vinny, but you boys never seemed to go in for that bully shit. Not back then at least. Anyways, Aldo; so we had to deal with Aldo. You remember Theresa Sedgewig, right?" Tommy nods. "Turns out she's a chemist and Bobby just happened to be on her periodic table of elements to use the vernacular. So he pays her a little visit and gets a custom mixture that he slips into Aldo's coffee the night before the shipment. Tasteless, odorless, but absolutely debilitating for a period of about twenty-four hours. Theresa seems to enjoy mixing up little concoctions and her next one was the key to the whole plan, that and the fact that these days nobody seems capable of taking even the shortest drive in the summer without turning on the air conditioner. By introducing just the smallest amount of Theresa's magic potion into the system, Bobby was able to knock out everyone in the convoy, including the drivers. Aldo's replacement at base camp simply turned off the system and no drones were activated. Bobby, who pretended to be out, hid himself in a corner of the main transport vehicle where he steered the entire convoy with a remote Victor had Aldo dream up about a year ago in case a driver got taken out during an attack." Sal managed to inform Tommy through a mouthful of peanuts.

"Several key players, including Abe, who we just found dead at the scene of the other missing shipment, had also faked collapse thanks to nifty little pocket-size respirators from your friend and mine Sven Midderhaussen. The shipment was unloaded and transferred to helicopters then moved to a location not too terribly far from here. The truly ironic thing about this story is that less than a couple of minutes after the "sleepers" woke up they were attacked. They didn't even know what had happened, had no chance to check the drones and fought to protect a shipment that had already been taken. They lost three men in the fight but kicked the tar out of the MacKenzies who went away, seven down and empty-handed. After the battle, they checked the drones, Bobby acting just as surprised as anyone to find the shipment gone." Sal stood smirking with self-satisfaction.

"You leaked the route to the MacKenzies, didn't you," Tommy said dryly.

"And THAT is the other reason I love you Tommy! Sal laughed as he stepped in a freshly dropped pile of peanut shells. Looking around the room, he realized he had left a substantial trail. He pulled a small electronic device from his robe pocket. It looked like a golf ball but one half seemed to be mesh, like a microphone grille. He lifted a peanut to it, then cracked its shell. The moment he did so, the door to the room opened and the smartly dressed attendant entered with the broom and the golden dustpan. As the attendant swept up the shells, Sal threw his arm around Tommy and said, "Always good to have you over Tommy," he released Blue and headed toward a slightly darkened room across a large hallway," you'll be hearing from me shortly, be sure to tell Vincent to drive safely, so many people just don't see the motorcycles, such little regard for the lives of others, goodnight."

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