
an illustrated novel

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chapter 19 Planning at the Speed of Light

Planning was never really anything that he considered himself to be particularly good at, and following a plan imposed upon him by another person was always a challenge, to put it mildly, even if his life depended on it. So, faced with the choice whether to plan or be planned upon, Blue decided it was time to devise a plan of his own. Until now he was happy to go along with whatever Anna Marie, Mojahdii or Vinny might come up with on any given day, but that was before Sal made it patently obvious that Tommy was deep into some kind of arrangement with Sal which was not sustainable if Blue intended to peacefully fulfill his new role as Onjadiavaan.
Most of what was happening to Blue was just that; happening to Blue. He was not the master of his own destiny. He felt powerless to control the course of his own actions because he was in a foreign place, time and body. However, he felt fully at ease with his own feelings. Essentially, Blue was still himself, living in the corporeal form of Tommy on a planet which he discovered only recently was called Salta, he possessed all of his former talents and had acquired a few rather remarkable new ones. He decided to start with what he felt, rather than what he knew and that meant that he was going to have to get up very early in the morning, which he knew he hated whether he was Tommy or Blue, because he had to speak with Anna Marie as soon as possible. She had been teaching him, patiently helping him to develop a deeper understanding of Salta, Shedavah and that which binds all things together throughout space and time. Anna Marie was giving him the opportunity to discover his own abilities to explore, investigate and experience this new world in order to realize his place within it so that he might then be able to recognize his place outside of it. Blue was beginning to sense only a fraction of what that truly meant but he knew that he must learn. He knew that he had to be ready. There is only one Onjadiavaan and if Blue knew anything for sure it was that he was the one. What he didn't know was how to take a million flashes of a thousand different moments happening in a hundred-thousand different places at once, pull the energy from those moments into a neat little ball, small enough to fit into his hands and crystallize it. He had already done that but it was beginners luck and he had since lost the ball, the OmegaLux Crystal, Shedavah.

So the plan was simple. Wake up Anna Marie, nice and early in the morning and tell her that he needed to get Shedavah that day, and that he also needed to be able to unleash all of its power in order to get the worlds across space, time and anything else that was critical, to resonate, align, harmonize or otherwise blend smoothly, so he could avoid having to run JumpJuice for Sal, or end up in some crazy battle with Victor or Leer who was actually a very skilled fighter and would surely dominate him were it to come to that. He determined that he was going to need to be fairly well rested if he was to try to accomplish this over the next couple of days or so. He brushed his teeth, climbed into bed and asked All That Is for whatever help was available to a guy like him.

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