
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter18 Acting Lessons 6

Stan Case was one of those rare educators who could instruct so engagingly that the student was seldom even aware that a valuable lesson was taking place. Humorously, unexpectedly, he prepared the team for a learning experience that would not only help them to carry out their mission, despite the fact that it had been altered, but also would give them insight into basic human behavior. Later, he would lead the team through a series of exercises which would illustrate the need for the lessons in the first place. Stan spoke for about an hour and a half and in that time not a single one of the team wanted to leave the room. Normally, this level of attentiveness could be traced to the feeling that Victor would kill, or worse, torture them if they even thought of leaving, but in this Case things were different. A transformation seemed to be happening within the room, even to the Fiorelli twins who spent the first five minutes drooling over the women who had arrived but  since were glued to Stan's every word and gesture. If he had stood up and marched them all out of the room and over a cliff the team would certainly be dead. But he didn't. What Dr. Case did do was inspire them to learn and being inspired to learn is half the task.

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