
an illustrated novel

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chapter 19 Learning at the Speed of Light 2

"I've been waiting to speak to you for as long as I can remember, Onjadiavaan," Anna Marie said to Blue in a voice full of love and adoration.

"I like it when you call me that, Anna Marie, but it may take some getting used to." Blue said quietly, knowing full well that she was one of less than a handful of people who knew who he truly was, so he whispered," I'd kinda like to hear you call me Blue."

"Okay Blue," she whispered back and he just about melted into the floor,"but I have to tell you something very important," Anna Marie continued to whisper,"No matter who you were before, you are Onjadiavaan, and that is more important than anything you could have imagined as Blue or Tommy. Nothing, not fame, not power, not wealth, not even the love of someone special," she paused and smiled, leaving no doubt that he had her love,"nothing can compare with what it is to be Onjadiavaan." Her eyes welled up as if the feelings inside of her were about to gush out and the only way that she could avoid bursting would be to tell him every exquisite detail of her vision of what it meant to be Onjadiavaan, as though the voiceless silence she had endured could only be fully cured by telling him everything she knew. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward the door but they didn't make it more than a few feet before Mojahdii and his entourage of followers were standing before them, anxious to speak with Onjadiavaan.

Actually, Mojahdii could sense that Anna Marie was bursting and he would have gladly allowed them to leave were it not for the throng of high-level dignitaries crowding their way around him, committed to taking full advantage of the prospect of being one of the first to actually speak with Onjadiavaan, even though several of them had outright ignored Blue since he had arrived, judging him to be a fake or simply lucky. In light of his recent cure of Mojahdii and reclamation of Shedavah through the Glowburst, however, their scepticism regarding his validity was summarily abandoned. As they shoved forward in unison, Blue could see the discomfort in Mojahdii's eyes. That, coupled with his empathy for Anna Marie, filled him with a sudden desire to be far away from the crowd. He looked at Mojahdii who began to laugh and reached a hand toward Blue who reached his own hand toward Anna Marie who completed the circle with Mojahdii. Blue quickly concentrated on the hill at the top of the commons and just as quickly, they were there, far away from the crowd, walking toward Blue's favorite waterfall.

"I think I'll take the path back to my hut," Mojahdii smiled and continued,"I believe Anna Marie has a few things she would like to say to you Onjadiavaan." He began down the path toward his home then turned back toward the couple,"and Blue, thanks for getting me out of there, it was getting a bit crowded. Oh yes, also, nicely done with Shedavah, but just one more thing, that was the easy part. Come to my hut when things die down a bit." The old man walked away leaving the two younger lovers to walk, talk and enjoy the soothing sounds of the waterfall.

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