
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chapter 20 Death by Numbers Act 1-Scene 5

Sal Lorenzo was not what one would call a compassionate man. He was concerned about Victor and Samuel's health, but only insofar as it pertained to his own interests, namely the JumpJuice shipment. While Sal did wonder what might have become of Max, his apprehension over the whereabouts of the shipment overshadowed his concern for her. The feelers he had put out for information about the shipment and any evidence of a violent struggle for the payload revealed a trail to nowhere and the headless corpse of Abe who he never really liked anyway.

He was a busy man, Sal had places to go, he couldn't hang around waiting for a couple of guys to wake up and tell him his JumpJuice was taken from them. He had to find who took it, get it back and kill everyone involved. "Let me know when either of these guys so much as blinks an eye," he said to Gus, his sister's kid who needed a job so he could pitch in a little rent money every now and then since he had turned his mother's basement into his apartment ever since he graduated from the Rat Town Community College with a MicroSalta IT certification. "If they say anything, Gus, anything at all, write it down," Sal added,"better yet, record it." He tossed Gus a small hand-held device about the size of a small iPod.

"Miss a word of it and I will personally pull your mother's black dress out of the closet for her, got it fat boy?" Gus nodded his head violently as Sal left the hospital room, littering an otherwise pristine hallway with freshly shucked peanut shells.

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