
an illustrated novel

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 18 Acting Lessons

"You can't be serious, how can this be?" Max asked, just trying to understand how Victor could have managed to find a place like this, let alone buy it without her ever knowing. She tried to rewind through the footage of her years with Victor, hoping to see a moment that he could have been gone from her, or more like it, a moment that she wasn't by his side, doing his bidding, a time when he could have driven out here, met with a realtor or the people who lived here and actually purchased this place. "We have been together every day for as long as I can remember," she concentrated, "wait a minute, no, it couldn't be. Victor, did you come here when you visited my mother? That's it, isn't it." Leer said nothing. The truth was that he had purchased the house fifteen years earlier but it is a very complicated story and he had no intention of telling it to her at the moment. "She really got to you. But that was ages ago. This is just too weird, good, but weird." Max was having a hard time understand all of the changes in Victor, even though they were very positive changes, they were all too sudden.

"It's going to get weirder," Victor said,"I'm sorry Max but there really is no other way. And don't let these guys know that this is our place. As far as they're concerned, it's a rental. I'll explain later, just go with me on this for now." Leer said with a smile, hoping that Max could trust the new Victor enough to be patient with the changes. Leer threw the headset on and gave the order to lock down both trucks inside the barn."Let's make sure the Juice is safe. Get all of the bikes inside. Samuel, Nick, Marv and Gavin, get outside and hide any evidence of our arrival, clear all of the tracks from the barn to the main road and do it quickly. There's all the equipment you'll need on the other side of the shed, just past the well." Victor climbed out of the cab of the dump truck and hoisted himslef onto its hood. He looked back toward the other truck and motioned toward the payload of each truck,"I want the rest of you to make sure that none of this Juice is leaking. Check every container even if you have to take them out and move them around a bit, I want every ounce accounted for." Leer jumped down from the truck and started toward the far door and Max followed close behind. He stopped and turned back and said enthusiastically,"Outside, there's a long narrow shed, mostly blue with a tin roof. When you're all finished inspecting the product, head over to the shed. We've got food and drink for everybody. After that, I want you all to get some rest. We've got a busy day tomorrow, breakfast at the break of dawn followed immediately by your acting lessons.

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