
an illustrated novel

Friday, December 24, 2010

Chapter 20 Death by Numbers-Act 1 Scene 1

"Hey Samuel,"Leer called out across the yard out behind the shed that had now become the " actors training studio", a mixture of picnic tables and assorted fitness stations, Samuel had just finished a couple hundred sit-ups on the incline bench and was still halfway upside down as he looked across at Victor,"I'll give you one quarter of my share of the profits if you can take me, two falls out of three," Leer wasn't about to count on acting or make-up to accomplish what he was after, a good, severe beating, something along the lines of that Victor had received at the hands of Tommy. In the process, he had to make damn sure to hang in there long enough to do the same to Samuel. Both men looking as though they were just barely clinging to life was tantamount to the success of the mission.

Samuel rolled all the way back so he was fully upside down and releasing his feet from the bars, flipped all the way back and was standing on his feet a second later. He turned toward Victor, smiling. he walked over slowly, wiping the sweat from his own face then flexing his arms forward and over his head as he leaned from side to side, stretching in preparation, still approaching Victor, his eyes glued to Victor who stood nearly a whole foot shorter than he. "When do we start?" Samuel asked.

"N..." Victor was unable to finish the word now because the moment he began to say it Samuel unloaded  a full-fisted bashing to the center of Victor's face, the nose of which was almost certainly broken on contact. Victor stumbled backward, nearly hitting the dirt but catching himself just inches away from suffering his first fall. He was obviously caught by surprise and noticeably hurt by the punch but he began to laugh. "A quarter of my share is twice your share Samuel, so you're going to have to try a little harder than that."

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