
an illustrated novel

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chapter 20 Death by Numbers-Act 1 Scene 2

Victor moved with unprecedented speed which stunned the members of the team who had assembled to witness the challenge, particularly those who were his crew, Manny and Franco Fiorelli, Gavin and Marv, even Max who had witnessed Victor's skillful fighting at Sal's clubhouse but thought she might have been a little biased since she had just spent the greater part of the morning making love to him. Now however, he was up against Samuel who was undeniably the mightiest as well as one of the swiftest fighters in the team and Max hadn't gotten so much as a lick of sexual attention from Victor since they reached the hideaway. They all marveled as Victor leaped to the side of Samuel who attempted to follow his crushing punch with another jab only to be thoroughly thrown off his feet by a flying clothesline headlock from Victor. Leer knew he had to allow himself to be pummeled, but the point was to mess up Samuel in the process. Besides, he didn't much like the idea of losing any of his share regardless of how long he ended up staying on Salta. The first fall went to Victor. Samuel, though not physically scarred from being dropped was sufficiently enraged by the fact that Victor had gotten the drop on him so quickly that he completely ignored Victors offer of a hand up. Sulking stormily, Samuel rounded on Victor with a relentless series of roundhouse kicks. The first two missed wildly but the third was truly unusual, coming twice as fast around as the first two, catching Victor off-guard, caving in the side of his face, nearly breaking his jaw. Leer went down hard.

"Hey Victor," Samuel taunted as he towered over his fallen boss," you can spare yourself th'beatin' and just give up the quarter." He laughed a deep and gloating laugh which was suddenly cut short by an excruciating howl as Victor caved his knee backwards with a quick kick from the ground. As Samuel doubled over forward to clutch the knee in agony Victor bounded up directly into his face with an elbow pushed from below by the full force of his other arm and legs standing up directly into the blow sending Samuels head back fully. The big man tried to stay on his feet as he fell backward his nose gushing blood, both lips bleeding. Then Victor reached out and caught him, helping to steady him on his feet. Despite the assistance, Samuel lit into Victor with a series of punches. the two men stood toe to toe, bludgeoning one another with punches from the gut to the head, so quickly and forcibly that there was a shower of blood drenching the onlookers. Then everything stopped.

Both men stood teetering on their own feet, arms dropped to their sides from exhaustion. With one final jab of the base of his hand into the chin of Samuel, Victor put the big man down for the second and final fall. He had won the contest but collapsed directly upon his advesary.

Max leaned in close to check to see if he was breathing. Leer pointed to a pocket on his shirt. there, slightly sticking out of it was a bloody piece of paper. She removed the paper, unfolded it and began reading. The plan had begun.

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