
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter18 Acting Lessons 5

Needless to say, the shipment was checked, the tracks were hidden and everything was locked down tight in no time. The entire team found their bedrolls rather quickly and settled in for the night. Not a single one of them asked what Victor had meant about acting lessons even though the Victor they were all working with today was clearly not the same Victor who buried Ozzie Warburton alive.

Leer shocked the Varst out of everyone in the morning when six of the most beautiful people they had ever seen showed up for breakfast, four women and two men. There was a gentleman who was in his mid-fifties who arrived with them but no one seemed to pay much attention to him. he was the person Victor would tell them all to pay the most attention to, but for now they sat with their mouths open, the only sound a communal humming of open-mouthed breathing with occasional low-level groaning as if they had all spend the last week trudging through the desert without water then suddenly saw a fountain spouting the stuff freely just beyond their collective reach.

"You've come just in time," Franco started,"I was just about to go for a walk to a most splendid spot I discovered only just last night, the view is quite fabulous..." he was cut short.

Manny stepped in front of him and continued,"Though not quite so fabulous as the one I am surveying right now," he swaggered his way toward the women, careful to keep his eyes moving to each of them equally.

"Manny, Franco." Victor needed only to speak their names in a certain tone and they immediately stopped talking. Neither could resist the urge to pucker and wink with hideously nauseating self-love which filled the room with the odor of smarm, the stench of which lingers and makes all things that come near to it, wither. However, the women smiled, one even giggled and Franco was certain that the last girl his eyes fell upon blushed at his gaze. "We are joined today, gentlemen," Victor continued, his eyes falling directly upon the Fiorelli twins, by Dr. Stanislas Case. He and his team are going to help us. I want you to give Dr. Case your undivided attention as it is he who will most likely be responsible for saving each of your lives."

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