
an illustrated novel

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 19 - Learning at the Speed of Light 3

The walk was everything Blue had ever imagined true love to feel like, long stretches of simply walking hand in hand, feeling as though there was no reason to even consider what time of day it might be, interspersed with occasional stops along the way, to look at the beauty of nature or to stare into one anothers eyes and then, to kiss. Kissing now, kissing Anna Marie, was not like kissing in college (Blue didn't really have any memorable comparisons to make before that time), nor was it like any kissing he had engaged in since college. He enjoyed kissing but if his mother had actually survived his birth, he would not have bothered to write to her about it, until now. In fact, Blue rarely thought of his mother unless he felt particularly thrilled with life, which regrettably did not happen very often. When he did think of her, it was usually coming from a feeling that he would like to have someone he knew, someone who he could be absolutely certain loved him, to share in the joy of the moment. He could truly say that this moment qualified as one he would have liked to tell his mother about. That thought flashed through his mind so quickly it made his own head spin. Actually, after another moment of quick thinking he narrowed the spinning down to euphoria which is the feeling that this kissing was generating far differently than kissing that had happened in the past.

There were long stretches of simply walking with Anna Marie and long stretches of listening to Anna Marie, actually, because she did have quite a lot on her mind that she simply had to let Blue know about, all of which filled her with a nearly orgasmic sort of enthusiasm. To be Onjadiavaan meant that he had the power to do amazing things. He had already become aware of a couple of them rather recently but Blue was having a little trouble resolving what he considered to be a classic chicken and egg situation. The situation had to do with the cure of Mojahdii and the retrieval of Shedavah from deep within a lightless void inside of Mojahdii himself. The chicken was Mojahdii and his illness, the egg was Shedavah, and Blue couldn't answer the question of which came first, Mojahdii's illness or the existence of a large crystalline energy source deep inside him. He was hoping that Mojahdii might explain that to him later during his visit to the old man's hut. If he had been able to process all of the information that Anna Marie was so willingly and passionately bestowing upon him, he may have been able to answer that question for himself. However, he got stuck on the part where she said that Onjadiavaan can fly.

The moment she said that he reached both arms around her, looked up, and before he could even bend his knees as if preparing to jump he and Anna Marie were already lifting off the ground. For Onjadiavaan, many of the things that he could do were more a matter of learning how to control them than to make them happen. Anna Marie fully intended to make a point of telling Blue all about it but for the moment, flying through a beautiful sky with the love of her life was all she was able or wanted to think about.

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