
an illustrated novel

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapter 17 Home is where you decide it is - Family Ties 6

"What was that all about," Vinny said as he and Tommy left Sal's place.

"It's complicated and I need to ask you something, but I don't want to have this conversation on your bike." Blue said hoping it would be enough to hold off Vinny's curiosity.

"That's cool, bro, nothing's ever simple when Sal's involved." Vinny said understandingly.

The ride back from Sal's wasn't long enough for Blue, mostly because he couldn't figure out what he would say to Vinny when they got back. He had to tell him some of it but he wanted to tell him all of it. Telling him all of it would mean that he would have to tell him everything and he just wasn't ready to do that. The VinnCycle was a lot faster when it wasn't surrounded by a fleet of limos and they were back at the tent in no time. "Pull up a beer, sit down and tell me all about it," Vinny said as he tossed a beer from the cooler, still chilled, over to Tommy  and grabbed another one for himself. It was late, but not late enough to seek refuge in bed. Blue was going to have to tell Vinny something, but he could not determine what to tell or where to begin."Don't tell me you forgot already." Vinny teased, but that was just the inspiration Blue needed.

"Well, Vinny, that's just it, I have forgotten quite a bit." Vinny looked a little stunned and disappointed,"Not about my conversation with Sal," Tommy continued, "before that. Ever since I woke up in that ambulance, I've been trying to piece together my past." Blue was doing his best to be perfectly honest with Vinny without giving away the farm. "I'm not sure how much of this mess I've actually told you about already."

"Oh, that, no problem, nothing." Vinny laughed. "You never tell me anything little bro." Vinny leaned back and flexed his arms behind his head, settling right back into the state he was in before Sal's goons arrived. "Why should today be any different, we'll play it just like we always do, I go first. Well, I didn't hear anything breaking, so he didn't try to attack you, no shooting, no yelling and some laughing. I don't even have to guess to know that it's about JumpJuice. Those guys came here looking for something, didn't see it but found you. So they were looking for a lost shipment of Juice and thought you had something to do with it." Blue said nothing, which to Vinny was as close as he could get to saying yes,"Oh, I knew it, I'm on to something here, well paint my toenails and call me Madam Chandrala 'cause my third eye just opened and it's staring right at you little bro!" Both men started laughing as Vinny continued. "I am seeing Victor Alonso and Max Lorenzo, I am unclear how they fit in but my guess is that it's one of their shipments that has gone missing." Still, Blue said nothing. "I am on a roll!" Vinny applauded himself as he went for more, "So Sal called you in for a friendly reminder that he owns Rat Town and even though he doesn't know what to make of your resurrection, it doesn't change the fact that he will eliminate anyone who stands in his way."

Blue felt instantly relieved. Vinny's guesses were close enough to right to count as truth and he wouldn't have to divulge any secrets about his identity. "Did I say we had to talk?" Tommy laughed as he held his beer aloft in a salute to Vinny's skill.

"Actually, Tommy, you said you needed to ask me something." Vinny reminded him.

Blue did have a real question for Vinny, "Did Sansaa tell you how long my training is supposed to last?"

"Yeah, Tommy, she did, but it was one of those Sansaa answers, she said, 'for as long as it takes'.

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