
an illustrated novel

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal Game Over

Vinny watched from below as Tommy lifted out of the craft. Tommy began to move as if swimming through the air, more of a breaststroke than a crawl. Surprisingly, he actually moved faster. He pulled with his arms and kicked like a frog with his legs.  On his third such effort, as he brought his hands forward and kicked, a single point of light appeared above Tommy's head. Vinny thought for sure that this was an opening through which a weapon would appear to blast his little brother from the game. In fact, he was amazed that Tommy still showed up in the game at all. After all, he was clearly outside of the craft now, and definitely not in a marked zone. Tommy was blissful. Blue knew that he was doing the right thing, like he was in control of his most lucid yet fantastic dream. For a moment, thoughts of the giant peanut, the yeti and Glurp skittered across his mind but he quickly made them dissolve. This was his world now and he knew it. Blue had no idea what to expect next, he only felt certain that whatever was about to happen, had to happen, so he just kept going. As he raised his arms above his head to reach forward for another stroke a giant white dome began to take shape overhead. The dome quickly became a globe, encircling Tommy, Vinny and the small craft, isolating them from the rest of the complex. Tommy reached even farther forward, directly toward the center point from which the light originated. Vinny saw Tommy as he almost touched it as the light became unbearably bright, then suddenly, darkness.

Vinny was sitting in total darkness all alone in a pitch black room. He was no longer within the game. He was no longer sitting in his craft or even in his gaming chair. He was on Tommy's game room floor, in total darkness without Tommy.

Blue placed his hands around the precise area of origin of the point of light. Although the light was blinding, he looked straight into it. He felt neither heat nor cold. There was nothing solid to the point of light yet he held it between his palms. Intuitively he rolled it in his palms and as he did facets began to appear and dance between his open cupped hands. The facets solidified into a crystal. Blue was standing in the center of the globe. He stood upon nothing, yet felt remarkably secure. Around him stood seven figures dressed in white. An ethereal voice spoke a single word, "Welcome". Blue said nothing. He simply smiled.

Tommy sat directly across from Vinny in the total darkness of his game room. He let out the slightest laugh as he realized where he was.

"Tommy? Is that you?" Vinny almost whispered.

"Yeah, it's me." Tommy answered, the laugh still warming it's way through his response.

"What the Varst just happened?" Vinny gasped. "Did you get to see the crystal? Did Z blast you, or did you just fry in space? I mean, I didn't even get fired upon and I ended up back here before you did, what in Farb's name is going on?"

Tommy opened up his cupped hands, the OmegaLux Crystal illuminated the whole room as if he had just thrown the switch on a thousand searchlights, he rolled it up to his fingertips and it calmed to a gentle glow.

Tommy smiled across the room at Vinny and said, "Game Over".

 "Bastin" Farbunkle, Tommy, you got it,"Vinny shouted," BEEZLE little bro" it's REAL!

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