
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chapter 8 Z not EZ continued Too

"You must be slippin' Z," Vinny teased,"Tommy's frequency was pretty easy to detect, only took me a second or two."

"We'll see who's slipping, Vinny, as soon as you and your baby brother come out from under mama's apron to play with the big boys," Z chided as he and his team, Stew and Stan, who were laughing like hyenas, staked out positions on the other side of the asteroid. Vinny directed Tommy to the right with his eyes, then swung his ship around to the left side of the asteroid. Stew was so busy wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes that he missed a perfect opportunity to blast Vinny who emerged from behind the asteroid, directly in front of him. Both pilots unloaded their weapons at the same time but Vinny was quicker on his shields leaving a stunned and slightly disabled Stew with tears of a different nature. Vinny quickly turned his attention to Z who was slightly above him and to his right. Knowing he couldn't get his guns trained in on Z in time, Vinny put full power to his shields just in time to survive a phazer blast that rocked his ship enough to leave him prey to Stan who was hovering just in front of him, so close that Vinny could see him grinning,"See ya later V...," Stan's taunting was cut short by sudden death as his ship was cut in two from below by Tommy's advancing fighter. Z unloaded zenon rays from guns positioned on both wings that would have sliced directly through Tommy's wings if he hadn't rolled between the beams just in time. Z still had position on Vinny, but Vinny was trained in on Stew who was mostly disabled but still a minor threat. Vinny could take him out, but he'd be demolished by Z if he diverted too much power away from his shields. He thought about Tommy's comment behind the asteroid and took a chance,"now", Vinny calmly said as he unloaded upon Stew, blasting him to pieces.

"Now it's your turn," Z said as he blasted Vinny's ship in half, "like I said, it's all about the pilot!" He laughed with confidence as he turned his ship up to find Tommy hovering just above him.

"Sometimes it's both," Tommy said as a projection device robotically retracted itself back into his ship. Z turned a disbelieving eye to his right as Vinny's ship cruised into view. Both Tommy and Vinny unloaded everything they had into Z who had activated his shields a bit too late.

His ship rocked then exploded as a barely audible yet deeply meaningful "whoa" escaped his lips.

Tommy turned to Vinny and said, "that felt good."

"Damn Tommy," Vinny hooted,"you must've met up with Farb the Almighty himself, drank from the Cup of the Sacred Seven and been imbued with the gift by the Council, all at once! I just can't explain it any other way! You're back from the dead, dining with your mortal enemy and trouncing Z all in one night. Before I wake up and discover that I'm dreaming all of this shit, there's one more thing we have GOT to do.

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