
an illustrated novel

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter 8 Z gone; on to the Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal

The silence hung in the air, or lack of air, void of space for some time. Vinny was worried that Tommy was assessing his status, weighing the option to pursue the crystal when in actuality, Blue had no clue what it was. He supposed that it had to be a big deal and that Tommy would normally have a reaction to Vinny's proposition but he wasn't sure what to say, or what not to say, so he said nothing. Vinny had a headful of counterpoints to arguments that just plain didn't happen. Both men hovered in nearly empty space, in absolute silence a few seconds longer until Vinny said,"Tommy? You alright?"



Blue figured he'd better say something so his mouth started moving even though his brain was having a heck of a time trying to formulate relevant sentences, so it sounded a little like,"umm, ah, w-w, ah uh I, yeah, well, no, I mean, shit Vinny, I don't have any idea if I'm alright! I don't know how I survived tonight, how I got here, how I ended up in this awesome fighter, why I can fly this damn thing like I was born in it or if I even have a chance in this world or any other of getting that Bastin' crystal. BUT, Farb or no Farb, I plan to find out, because I feel lucky. So, just point me in the right direction, tell me what to do and I will go along with the plan, okay?"

"Okay?"Vinny cackled,"Okay? Bastin' Farbunkle, Okay? Varst yeah it's Okay! I've been trying to get you to go after that damn crystal for as long as I can remember and you're always like,"I'm not riskin' the few Gear Points I've got, goin' after some myth!" So, how in Farb's name could I NOT be okay with you tellin' me that you actually WANT to go, AND that you're feeling lucky!?...YOU, Tommy"I don't believe in luck" Levito. Especially on a night where you return from the dead then hand the best pilot in the system his own ASS on a PLATTER!? Damn it Tommy, we gotta quit talkin' and get over to OmegaLux before we both wake up and find out that none of this actually happened. Follow me." Vinny said as he swung his craft around one hundred and eighty degrees and hit his thrusters hard.

He shot off quickly but Tommy was over his right wing before he could say,"Just stick with m..."

"I'm right here", Tommy said as he pulled alongside.

"Remember, Z lost it on level five, so we should be able to make it through level three without too much difficulty, maybe even four, if your luck holds out. I'll take the lead unless it begins to look like I'm holdin' you back," Vinny instructed.

"Got it" Tommy said, feeling so excited that he just wanted to let Vinny know how incredibly awesome the night had been so far. He knew he couldn't so he just relaxed into his cockpit a little more and smiled to himself, at peace, moving faster than he had ever imagined possible, on a world far from home in a virtual space more real than anything he had ever felt before.

Vinny gave the order to disengage thrusters and both ships slowed to a drift. Looming in front of them was OmegaLux, half asteroid - half space station. It begged you to approach while shouting "I WILL EAT YOU ALIVE."

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