
an illustrated novel

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal cont.2

Inside the mammoth battleship a single light source illuminated what seemed to be a bridge or large cockpit of some kind. Although the light was dim, a single, recognizable figure was framed within its glow.

"Z", Vinny whispered in dismay, "damn, the single best free source fighter pilot in the system is an omie, even worse a suit jockey? That Bastin' Pudsucker set me up, set US up, Varst! Beyond that, he knows our codes as well as nearly all of the F-source jocks from the J-Quarter. He knows that none of us are registered and is totally capable of identifying us and shutting us down. Actually," Vinny takes a deep breath, "this is our only chance. He can't shut us down from within the game, but he sure as shit isn't going to let us log in again. We've got to get that crystal tonight. I damn near flew right into him. Tommy, how did you know?" Vinny asked incredulously.

"I didn't," Tommy replied, "it was just a hunch. And since most of my hunches seem to be coming true, we'd better get moving soon. Z knows that I've got a decoy cloak, he'll spot us in no time. Let's see if we can fool him one more time. Get ready to make a break for access point 07. I'm pretty sure that they expected to waste us by now so Z probably doesn't have any back-up in that shaft."

With that, Tommy sent the projection droid off in the direction of the megafighter where it projected exact copies of Tommy and Vinny's crafts spaced perfectly on either side of the megafighter. the decoys taunted Z as the droid sent out a decoy message from Vinny, "Hello Z". In less than a second the megafighter opened up on the tiny ships with all of her firepower, phasers, droid mines, torpedoes even pulse arrays upon the tiny ships. There should have been a perfectly splendid pair of explosions. Instead there was a rather meaningless scattering of firepower as the artillery passed right through the decoys. A frustrated and robust eruption of outrage hung pointlessly in the dispassionate void of space. "Reverse all Full and pursue", Z bellowed as a handful of omies scrambled to turn the large warbird around.

By that time, Tommy and Vinny were rocketing down the shaft toward level three at breakneck speed, laughing. "Man-o-man, Tommy, that was perfect," Vinny roared,"From now on, you lead! I am officially naming you my sensei whether you want to be or not. Y'know, I always just sort of tolerated Z, now I can officially hate his guts, full-on!"

"Do not hate, my brother, rather look with pity on he who is last in the alphabet," Tommy replied, barely maintaining his composure, then bursting out uncontrollably with laughter.

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