
an illustrated novel

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chapter 8 Z continued

Blue was far too excited by the thrill of being inside his own creation to even consider who Z might be or what he and Vinny were about to be up against. He wanted to see what his baby could do. "Vinny," he called through his headset, "hang on for a second, I gotta try something." Blue grabbed the joystick in front of him and eased it back slightly. The nose of the craft rose up up slightly, noiselessly, effortlessly and exactly how he had envisioned it would. As Blue maneuvered, he realized that his ship, although cool in his mind, futuristic even, seemed a bit old school compared to Vinny's which was sleeker and , frankly, cooler. Still, Blue was in his element. Blue could see very clearly what his fighter was capable of and that, he figured, would be good enough for any space battle. Regardless, he wanted to give it a little test. Instantly, he slammed the stick forward and to the right, breaking into an incredible dive, breaking the speed of sound in what seemed like a second at the very most. He didn't feel a thing. The craft cradled him completely, making his every move effortless, responding to his slightest touch. Suddenly, he ripped the stick straight back, burying his left foot into the floor, just like popping the clutch on his '65 Mustang convertible. Except that the Mustang couldn't instantly reverse it's direction without losing speed. The fighter did just that. All without sending Blue's balls up into his throat. Without the slightest difficulty, Blue stopped the fighter in exactly the same spot from where he had begun and hovered there grinning.

"What in Farb's name? - How in the Bastin' Farbunkle? - Tommy, that was bastin' amazing!" Vinny shouted, causing Blue's ears to ring, but it was cool, in fact, nothing could be cooler, thought Blue.

"Thank you God-Farb or whoever the Fuck-Bast you are!" Blue silently prayed for the first time in twenty-some years. As he let out a barely audible but deeply meaningful, "whoa".

"Farb-Damn-it Tommy!, let's go kick some ass!" Vinny laughed as he turned his craft and raced off through the stars.

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