
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 8 Z gone, what's next?

"Now you know that Z is gonna try to jump back into our run here, but since you terminated him, we can block him out,"Vinny explained,"unless you want to let him back in so you can kick his ass all over again?"

"No, Vinny, let's block the bastard out and do whatever you want to do. What have you got in mind?" Tommy asked, hoping they could just fly on and blast something. He was still nervous about  saying something that would give away the fact that he wasn't Tommy after all.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I've got in mind, Tommy,"Vinny laughed.

Blue wasn't sure how to handle the situation. The way he saw it, he could play it two ways... Option 1 would go something like:"Well Vinny, I'm just not my normal self today and you're going to have to give me a little more to go on." or Option 2... "Oh, varst yeah Vinny, I'm feelin' lucky, you got a plan?" Blue proceeded with option 2.

"Well, as a matter of fact I do, little bro,"Vinny explained."First, enter Violet 17 into your frequency field for the comline. I don't want to hear from Z while we're trying this at al. Even though you fleeced him, he can still jump on the audio feed. It won't do him a damn bit of good if he can't find us and I just baked the scramble for Violet 17 two days ago.

"Agreed," said Tommy as he changed the signal.

Instantly, the conversation continued,"Now don't freak out, but we're going after the OmegaLux Crystal" Vinny said cautiously, waiting for the outburst from Tommy.


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