
an illustrated novel

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal cont.4

Vinny flew off, down shaft 07C. He sped past shaft 07B as well as an illuminated doorway inside of which he caught a glimpse of hundreds of omies. They looked like kids on their way to a rock concert. At least as much as a bunch of omies CAN look like kids on their way to a rock concert. The difference between this group, and that comprised of kids going to a rock concert is that there were hardly any girls and instead of excitedly pushing and trampling one another to get to the show they just sort of annoyingly budged their way forward while self-conciously checking to see if they were coming off as remotely passionate or, Farb forbid, emotional. Vinny hardly had time to process that thought before he saw it.

Shaft 07A was substantially larger than shaft 07B and Z's warbird fillied it neatly. Vinny hovered in front of then shot past the shaft. He quickly slowed his craft and turned a quick 180 back to shaft 07A to taunt Z further. He didn't have to work at it. Z was already thinking "KILL". He had brought the megafighter up fast already closing in to within a quarter mile of Vinny who had just returned to the junction of shaft 07C and 07A. Instantly, he was fired upon. Fortunately, Vinny's fight or flight instinct was gravitating more toward flight causing him to hit his thrusters as soon as he saw the warbird. The monstrous fighter had to slow momentarily to make the turn from shaft 07A to 07C. This gave Vinny enough of a start to widen the distance between his fighter and Z's ship, but not for very long. The massive craft quickly closed in on Vinny. "They're right on my ass," Vinny shouted, his urgency drilling into Tommy's headset.

"Keep coming Vinny, and don't forget to drop down to where I told you to. Now quickly switch your frequency back to what we had before. I want Z to here us." Tommy instructed.

"What?!'' Vinny replied with shock.

"Just do it!" Tommy snapped.

Vinny reset the frequency then yelled,"He's going to blast me, Tommy!"

"Oh good, there you are boys," Z smarmed his way into the conversation, "I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to say good-bye."

Wouldn't have bothered my any," Vinny quipped.

"Oh Vincent, I will miss you, good-bye, " Z taunted as he fired off all phazers and torpedos.

At the same moment, Vinny piloted his craft into a full dive. He had reached the end of the shaft at the precise moment he needed to in order to survive.

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