
an illustrated novel

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chapter 8 Vinny wants to Play -Tommy goes along

"Yes," exclaimed Vinny as he quickly disappeared behind a pillar. Blue wasn't sure whether he was supposed to follow Vinny or not but he didn't want to appear timid in the eyes of his brand new big brother. So he followed Vinny around the pillar. What he saw there was beyond his comprehension.

Imagine total blackness.

Now, imagine total blackness again because whatever blackness you just imagined is not as black as the blackness that Blue was now looking at. Blue let his jaw drop open because the only thing that wasn't black was really busy doing something else and would never notice that Tommy was behaving as if he had never seen this room before, even though it was in his own house, because Tommy was Blue, who was now closing his jaw because Vinny, the unblack, was approaching, beaming, "you gotta hit this shit before we start!"

Tommy, of course, had to hit that shit but Blue was pretty damn sure, by the look on Vinny's face that the shit in question was going to mess with his mind at least as much as the jumpjuice did and probably more. "You go first, Vinny, it's your shit man!" he managed as he tried to focus on anything at all in the room around him. There was absolutely nothing, other than the entryway through which they had come. Blue eyed it longingly.

"My shit?!, Funny Tommy, but varst, you don't have to ask me twice," Vinny laughed as he sparked up a bowl. "kmphff - kmphff- kmphff.. Phaaaaahh", he breathed as he handed Tommy a gorgeous little glass pipe, crystallized little buds still slightly glowing, while milky white smoke swirled its way around a small chamber, midway through the pipe, "you finish 'er off".

Blue hadn't smoked pot in about ten years, mostly because he had been holding down a corporate design gig, working for a guy who made it his business to know everything he could about his employees' personal lives in case he ever had to come up with a reason to fire them. Blue had pretty much said his farewells to his job the moment he and Leer boarded the star cruiser in what used to be his living room. But the boss wasn't the reason he hadn't "hit this shit" yet. He remembered how pot made him feel... he loved to smoke pot. He loved it so much that he had decided that he couldn't smoke it anymore. He knew that didn't make much sense, nor did he have the time to explain it. Add to that the fact that Vinny would be about the last person Blue would care to explain it to and... the crystalline particles crackled with blue flame as the tiny purple hairs were engulfed with the glow as Tommy inhaled, filling the chamber with even more swirling white smoke until he deftly released his index finger from the carburetor, allowing the pipe to release, filling his lungs with smoke from its cache. The room fell into complete darkness as the fire extinguished. Blue's host body was a seasoned veteran of this ritual and Tommy held the vaporous prize in his lungs long enough for Vinny's hand to materialize from the infinite blackness, landing upon Tommy's shoulder to squeeze him affectionately as Vinny whispered softly into his ear, " there ain't a soul alive who can make love to the crystal princess like T-bone..."But now, little brother, " it's time to die!"

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