
an illustrated novel

Friday, September 10, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal cont.

An orchestra of searchlights cut through space in all directions radiating from a multitude of axes surrounding OmegaLux. Countless fighters swarmed the perimeter of the complex. "I've just cloaked both of us and fed you  a diagram of our approach. I've only mapped as far as access point 07. that's how Z got in. He traded me this approach plan for five Gear Points and a pint of McMahon's Stout. The points I can do without but right now I wish I had the stout." Vinny lamented as he surveyed the situation. "Just look at all of those "omies"! What could possess anyone to be so into a game that they would actually take a real oath to protect something that exists only in the game, if it even exists!? I mean, for all we know, the developers at Omnifab could just be jackin' everyone around, saying there's a crystal when there isn't one, just hyping the game. I mean Z only made it to level five and that Cromwell character on FighterChat claims he made it to level eight but that could just be bullshit, or worse - dude could be just a plant, some OmegaLux crony, an omie, just spouting off, making us all think that the crystal's real and that finding it is going to make any difference whatsoever. Like finding it is going to give you the ability to see Farb. Varst! With all the bastin' hype about it, whoever did find it might as well BE Farb. Damn it Tommy, don't you have anything to say about this?!"

"Actually Vinny, I've got a really good feeling about this. Like I said, I have no idea why anything is going down like it is, but I think we're going to get that bastin' crystal. Besides, I doubt we can sit out here cloaked all night, so let's at least kick a little omie ass just for fun." Blue was really feeling something powerful coming over him, as if the game itself was some sort of a conduit, helping him to merge with the life of Tommy, energizing and integrating his being into this new world.

"That's true T-bone talkin' there my bro, let's hit it, access point 07 ASAP and spare no omies on our way!" Vinny cooed as he dropped the cloak and engaged his thrusters.  Vinny and Tommy unleashed a hailstorm of short bursts peppered with a smattering of droid mines that carved a tunnel a half-mile wide through the swarm of omies. It was easy enough to navigate their way through said tunnel and to their delight the tunnel became self-widening. It seems that if you kill an outrageous number of omies in a very short period of time the rest of them become incredibly nervous. Omies, after all, have health and life levels like any other player in OmegaWars. Tommy and Vinny surrounded an unfortunate straggler and together brought his health and life levels down to a combined total of zero. Both men quickly realized that this meant that the path between their ships and access point 07 was now utterly clear.

"Let's go!" Vinny hooted and motioned toward the access point with a jolt of his head but Tommy pulled the nose of his fighter up and backed away in the opposite direction. "What in Farb's name are you doing?" Vinny screeched, his face squinched up like someone had just force fed him a mouthful of sour gummy worms.

"Hang on", Tommy quietly replied, So quietly that Vinny got the sense that there must be some trouble but there was no sign of it. Vinny reluctantly backed up in the direction of Tommy, his eyes still glued to access point 07, yearning to hit his thrusters, aching to fly his fighter into the apparently vacant shaft leading directly into the heart of the OmegaLux complex. "Look around." Vinny heard Tommy whisper.

Nothing, not a single omie where moments before there was a swarm.

"Follow me," Tommy said as he barrel rolled his fighter directly toward a rocky projection a quarter-mile off the access point. Vinny fell in behind whispering in return, "This is weird". Tommy snugged his craft up against the rocky wall and Vinny followed suit. Instantly, Tommy's projection arm deployed and floated out, like debris. It projected an exact duplicate of the rocky surface over the two fighters, masking them from view. "Why are..."Vinny started, stopping with his jaw dangling in disbelief as a mercilessly black mega fighter emerged from the very access point he was so eager to enter seconds earlier.

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