
an illustrated novel

Friday, September 3, 2010

Chapter 8 Vinny and Tommy against Z and the Boys

As if on cue, Blue felt himself falling into a seat which seemed to sweep him off his feet, up into the eternal blackness. The seat transformed to fit his body, just like the one on the VinnCycle. The moment he began to feel comfortable, a console appeared in front of him. As he became aware of it, the console became more complete. In fact, it became familiar. He had drawn something like this before when he had been contracted to do some work on a film. It was Sci-Fi, a Star Wars type deal, with all of the major special effects being produced by Industrial Light Magic. For some stupid reason, the production company thought that ILM was going to actually create the spaceships, weapons and fancy gadgets for twelve million dollars, only to find out that the twelve million was really only going to cover what it would take to make all of those things look like they were actually doing something. By the time this memory told itself to Tommy's brain, Blue began to notice stars all around him. He looked out to see that he was in a ship of his own creation. It was mind blowing. Something he had drawn for a movie was here, in some sort of thoroughly realistic holographic game in his house, within a parallel universe. Suddenly, he was hit. The stars around him bouncing and twirling everywhere as if he and his ship were inside of a giant snow globe being shaken up by a very naughty little giant. The ship quickly righted itself and Blue felt as though he was perfectly stationary. The stars lay still around him. Just off to his left, in his peripheral vision, blue could see movement. Something rising into view, quickly yet silently.

It was Vinny, in a one man spacecraft, a fighter of some kind, unlike anything Blue had ever seen in any movie or game. Blue could see right in to Vinny who was laughing his ass off. Vinny motioned to his mouth from inside of his cockpit, signalling to Tommy that he wanted to talk. Instinctively, Blue reached up to find that he was wearing a helmet. His fingers glided upward along it's surface until he felt a small button just above his ear. He pressed it, releasing a small earphone/microphone combination unit which lowered automatically into place. Still laughing, Vinny asked, "What in Farb's name is that?"

"Something I dreamed up awhile ago," Blue countered, "keeps me focused!"

"Great, you're going to need it, little bro, I've plugged us in for the Gamma Run. "Z" and the boys are going to be jumping in. My guess is somewhere near Omegalux," Vinny continued", so I'm going to need some serious back-up on this, it's T-Bone Time!"

Blue had no idea what to expect but he didn't care. He was floating in the middle of outer space, in a ship that he designed and it was real, or virtually real. Plus, he was about as high as he could ever remember being.

"Vinny", Blue called out through his headset,"hang on a second, I gotta try something."

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