
an illustrated novel

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chapter16 Transformation - The other side of Dreams

Leer was barreling down the freeway with a convoy of six of the most bad-ass rigs imaginable. The military of a small nation would have a hard time taking her. The convoy boasted an arsenal complete with rocket launchers, a sonic cannon, smoke screen capabilities, remotely guided drone air support (courtesy of Aldo) and a missile deployment vehicle capable of delivering its payload in any direction while on the move. The JumpJuice was allocated throughout the convoy in storage units specifically designed to separate from the larger vehicle, becoming mobile drones in their own right. Even if the entire convoy was assaulted and immobilized, these drones would have the capability to continue and would do so in separate directions, thereby increasing the probability that at least one major delivery would succeed. this was precisely the system in place when the other shipment was taken. One-third of the men involved with this delivery had been involved in the hijacked delivery. Not a single one of them could tell you how it was accomplished. Each and every one of them swears that the were asleep for the whole thing. Quite suddenly, and apparently ubiquitously, the members of the delivery team were put to sleep. Not a single vehicle was destroyed. No guns were fired. Many of the men believed it was the hand of Farb that snatched the shipment from them. In fact, only seven men were missing and of those who remained only a dozen were willing to return to run this shipment, and half of them were Victors gang. The same thing was simply not going to happen again. If it did, the remaining men would almost certainly find a new line of work, possibly even devoting themselves to the service of Farb. However, that was no reason to rule out the possibility of a conventional attack, therefor all preparations had been made and the finest team had been assembled.

The convoy continued down a stretch of highway that had all of the attributes of an ideal ambush location. The highway lay in plain sight of two small bluffs which essentially lined either side of the road. It would provide attackers perfect high ground as well as reinforced cover behind a variety of natural rock outcroppings. The men became increasingly nervous in this particular stretch of the route. Leer did not. While Blue was exploring his dreams for insight regarding his place in this world, Leer was exploring the other side of dreams, memory. Although Leer had actually been in this very spot at precisely this moment nearly thirty years ago, it all seemed like a dream. He remembered how he felt when he reacted to things that had not yet been said. "Victor, why don't we deploy a couple of units up, behind those outcroppings, Banyan Pass is no place to get caught with your guard down," Franco urged as a nervous sweat broke out upon his forehead.

"Our guard is not down, Franco. We are all ready. Besides, this place is far too obvious." Victor smiled calmly and Franco seemed to be genuinely relieved. "I have an idea that I would like to share with all of you," Victor announced to all of the men in his vehicle, roughly a dozen. "I need a moment alone to figure out a few details but I'll be back right away. Do not be concerned about an attack, but DO keep an eye out for one."Victor walked toward the back of the vehicle. It was a little like an armored RV, well appointed and fairly comfortable for a portable arsenal.

After several minutes alone in a small room at the back of the vehicle, Victor returned. "We're going to blow ourselves up!" he laughed as he quickly looked around the vehicle to catch the individual reactions. There was only one person who did not look in his direction at this announcement. It was Abe.

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