
an illustrated novel

Friday, November 26, 2010

Chapter 17 Home is where you decide it is - Uninvited Guests 2

Normally, curiosity gets the better of most people when presented with an unusual spectacle unfolding before them, so no one could blame Tommy and Vinny for leaving their tent and following Mojahdii and the visitors toward the commons, except that it didn't. In fact, neither one of them seemed to be the least bit motivated to leave the comfort of the lounge chairs and the ice cold beers. "That was weird," Vinny said to Tommy as he leaned all the way back in his lounge chair, his muscles bulging as he cradled the weight of his head then slowly relaxing as total ease spilled over them cascading down to his shoulders, then his chest, ribcage and abdomen which began to bounce slightly as a little laugh gripped his solar plexus. "Did you see that guy jump when Mojahdii crept up on him like that?"

Blue was just polishing off his second beer when he swallowed quickly to avoid spraying Vinny with LPS - laughing projectile spray. "Varst Vinny, I didn't even see Mojahdii over there until he popped out right next to the dude and all of a sudden he's like 'pip' hello, I'm standing right next to you. Sweet!"

"Whoever that dude works for - no more. Those other cats are going to rat him out as soon as they get back, he'll be lucky if he gets to drive." Vinny added.

"No, Vinny, he won't even get that, those guys can drive, maybe he'll get to ride shotgun, maybe, depends on who he working for." Tommy responded.

"My guess...Lorenzo. Those guys, those cars, they gotta be Sal's goons and they're after something." Vinny theorized.

"Or somebody," Tommy continued as Mojahdii approached the tent with a half-dozen goons, led by Jason. He looked calm but a little put out, as if what he was doing was necessary but unpleasant.

"Hello, Tommy, Vinny, several of our residents were talking about you around the tables this evening and this gentleman here, his name is Jason, well, he tells me that he knows you." Mojahdii explained diplomatically.

Vinny's muscles were no longer relaxed as he rose to his full height, slowly, menacingly, never taking his eyes off the new arrivals who packed in closer to Jason, each brandishing a different weapon. Blue had risen in unison with Vinny but placed a hand on Vinny's shoulder, gently pulling him back to one side. He calmly stepped one step closer to Jason and the rest of the goons. "Yes, we saw you arrive, nice driving!" Tommy said with a disarming smile.

"Mr. Levito," Jason said "we have never met, but my team and I are here on business for Sal Lorenzo. We had no idea that this was your place, I apologize for just showing up like this." He said, concerned that he had just brought his team into the mouth of the beast.

"Jason, right?" Blue said in an inquisitive and welcoming tone as he held out his hand,"Tommy," he said as he shook hands with the leader of the team. Vinny and the team members each took a step back and Mojahdii smiled and headed back toward the commons, confident that Blue could handle the rest. "Please come into the tent, there is a place for all of you to sit. There is no need for your firearms, you are free to look around for whatever you came for, assuming it is not me!" he laughed, lightening the tone of the conversation without revealing that, in fact, none of his men, those who would normally be armed to the teeth, were anywhere around. "So, tell me, what are you looking for?"

Jason looked around at the other men, then looked at Vinny who sat quietly, exuding a sort of energy that made it clear that no matter how heavily armed these guys were, he was pretty sure that he was going to be the last one standing if all Varst broke loose. Jason was still feeling the effects of the Mojahdii incident and doubt seemed to be his right-hand man. "I am not sure that I can tell you that, Mr. Levito." he looked at Tommy who gave him a look reminding him that he had just introduced himself by his first name, so he continued,"uh,Tommy. Would you mind if I took a minute to make a phone call?"

"Not at all," Tommy said, realizing that the evening was going to end up as anything but the relaxed dream it had started out as.

As Jason stepped out of the tent one of the goons said,"Hey Tommy, Vinny."

Blue looked at him and realized that he had no idea who he was. He was just about to answer with some comment citing his recent death and resurrection but Vinny said,"Hey Butcher. How the Varst is Martha?"

"Fat as a thumpin' prize-winner, 'bout to pop out a double I think. Sweet as ever." Butcher answered.

"Another double? What's that make it, five sets of twins now, Butcher?" Vinny laughed and Blue laughed along, relieved that Vinny was handling the conversation. "When did you hook up with the Lorenzo squad? I thought you gave up the Juice trade?"

"Did you not here me, Vincent? Another double!" Butcher blurted out as he started laughing at his own situation. In fact, everyone in the tent was laughing as Jason came back in, looking rather put out.

"I'm supposed to ask you to come with me." He said to Tommy. "To see Mr. Lorenzo"

The whole tent went quiet as Tommy and Vinny looked at each other and back to Jason.

"I think that would be a marvelous idea." Mojahdii said as he popped out from behind Jason, sending him straight up a couple of feet into the air. As he landed he lost his balance and fell backward across the cooler. Everyone laughed, including Jason, as Mojahdii reached out his withered old hand and helped him back up with a single pull as if Jason weighed nothing at all.

Blue was pretty certain that this was as much instruction as it was agreement on the part of Mojahdii,"I'm good, Vinny?" He looked to the big man who answered with a 'why not' expression.

"I just want to let Sansaa know..." Vinny said as Sansaa cut him off by appearing in the doorway to the tent, immediately adjacent to Mojahdii. She was holding up a small bag, presumably packed with all that the two would need for their journey. The visitors looked around at one another, unsure what to make of anything that was going on while Tommy and Vinny just smiled and walked out of the tent. Vinny threw his arm around Blue's shoulders as the two of them made their way toward the VinnCycle.

It was already growing dark as Vinny and Tommy neared the cycle with the whole team now heading toward the cars. The sound of Mojahdii and Sansaa giggling to themselves drifted toward the men, they turned to look but Mojahdii and Sansaa were gone.

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