
an illustrated novel

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chapter 16 Transformation - Special Delivery Drones7

Early the next morning Victor sent enough of the team to pick up those that stayed at the site, keeping the others with the trucks to guard the Juice. It wasn't long before the whole team was assembled within the tunnel and ready to move the juice to the delivery location. "I'm going to call daddy to let him know we're still delivering," Max said, assuming that the threat was over and that Sal needed to be informed.

"No Max," Victor answered firmly, several of the team listened attentively to his explanation as to why Max was not permitted to call her father. It had never happened before, for two reasons. The first being that Sal was the boss and as the boss was entitled to know everything that ever happened and it was just assumed that Max was going to be the one to tell him. The second was that Max usually got extremely pissed off if she didn't get her way when it came to anything that had to do with her father unless it was Sal himself who said no. Even though Victor was in charge of the team, everyone knew that Max was along to remind Victor just where he fit in and that , just as quickly as guys like Bobby and Abe, he could be replaced. However, something had changed dramatically between Victor and Max, even the least observant of the team could recognize that. Still, they were prepared for a battle. "I don't think we're in danger anymore, Victor and you know that Sal is going to want to know what is going on with the shipment," Max said in the most reasonable voice she could muster up.

"I have absolutely no doubt that Sal is acutely interested in the whereabouts of the shipment, Max," Victor began,"but I don't think that now is the proper time to fill him in." Leer knew something that no one else on the team knew and he could not tell any of them. In order to gain not only Max's acceptance but also that of the entire team he was going to have to be very convincing that what they did know warranted the stealthy completion of the mission. He continued,"Look, we nearly got our asses blown off yesterday, first from inside and certainly, had we continued on our course, from the outside. We all know that Bobby was one of our own, then Abe. Now I'm not saying that any one of you is involved in this betrayal, however, someone out there is still waiting for us to show ourselves, knowing full well that we are under armed and under protected. With any luck they'll still be looking for the drones. So, Max, any communication with others has to be under only the most secure connections.That is why I had Aldo set up the delivery protocols the way I did. We MUST remain below the radar for the duration of our journey. When the job is done, I will personally dial the number to Sal for you." Victor looked at everyone on the team with an expression of sincerity and need unlike anything they had ever seen from him. In that moment, for each individual in the team, Victor transformed from boss to leader.

Max walked slowly to him and sliding up his chest, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him saying, "I'm with you , just tell me where to go."

The rest of the team let out a collective "WOOT!" followed by a good minute of laughter, relieving themselves of the awkward nervousness they were experiencing at such an unusual feeling of excitement, loyalty and enthusiasm, emotions that few of them felt very often and certainly rarely with respect to Victor. Leer had won them over even more quickly than he had imagined he could and if his plan succeeded he would be certain that he was on the right path with regard to the even larger, universal mission.

"Okay then, it's time I let you all in on my little secret.. I'm going to kill about, um, well, I'd say about, a little over half of you," he smiled a wicked but comical smile," and we are going to lose the shipment." The entire team was silent at first but quickly figured out that he had to be joking so they started laughing all over again. "Yes, that's right, we're going to lose lives and the Juice and head back home, beaten and empty-handed. Max, it has been a real pleasure, but I'm afraid you have to die first," Victor said as he bowed to her. "Now let's get moving. I want you all to follow me to my little hideaway beneath the sea." he walked over to the big lead truck and climbed up,"C'mon Max, ride with me. Nick, drive the other truck and Samuel, ride shotgun. The rest of you, hop on the bikes and let's move out."

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