
an illustrated novel

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 16 Transformation - Special Delivery Drones3

As Franco and Manny sped their way toward the sighted drone, Victor and Max got a blip on their navcom screen. the drone appeared to be within a couple of miles as the crow flies but there was no way to get a visual. In front of them rose a large grassy hill and perched upon the hill was a cluster of the most majestic trees Leer had seen since he was in the Redwood National Park, home to some of the tallest trees on any of the worlds he had visited. These would rate a close second. "Beezle Victor!, Max gasped as she gawked at the immense and beautiful old wonders. "How old do you think those trees are Victor?" she asked like a child filled with awe.

"Somewhere in the neighborhood of five to seven hundred years old, maybe more, I would guess," Victor responded. Suddenly a wave of that feeling of a distinct memory came over Leer, only this memory was not about the future. However, it was about this very place eight hundred and twenty-seven years earlier. As he sped around the first tree, he saw himself as a young woman. He was planting that particular tree. Leer was really wishing that he could share that memory with Max. In another life perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. Short and late but a post just the same. I've been working on a new song and it took most of the night. I still have lots to work out, but it's a good one!
