
an illustrated novel

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 14 Anna Marie, Teacher, Interpreter, Muse, Dancer

The moment Blue had finished the energy painting, Anna Marie was there. He half-suspected that she was sitting behind a bush the whole time, just waiting for him to clean his brushes. She hadn't been, she was just that in tune with him. It was an ability she had developed over the years, an ability she could exercise with just about everybody. She just happened to be even better at it with Blue. She leaned in close, directly over the painting and began swirling her arms around like the action she saw depicted in the brushstrokes, her smile was joyful and at the same time purposeful as if she was creating happiness with her movement and intent. Blue, placing the clean brushes on the table before him, sat and watched Anna Marie. He became immediately caught up in her dance, his head and shoulders swaying back and forth as if she was a snake charmer and he the snake. But this was not a dance of control. He wasn't forced into any particular sort of movement, no count to follow, no mark to hit, no choreography, no right, no wrong, pure happiness.

His eyes were closed. He felt extremely peaceful while at the same time excited. Then Blue heard a sound he thought he would never hear, laughter. Laughter coming from someone other than himself. The only other person there was Anna Marie. He opened his eyes to see if Sansaa had returned or maybe another woman from the village. He knew before he saw her that this laugh had to be Anna Marie's, so sweet, and lush. Yes, he thought to himself, lush. Blue had never heard of laughter being described as lush before and he wasn't sure why he was so focused on the concept at the moment, but he was and not without due cause. If you were asked to define a person's laugh, you may start with adjectives like loud, shrill, echoing, mighty, mousy, nasally, maybe even pleasant, joyous, jubilant or intoxicating, but none of those would describe Anna Marie's laugh. It surrounded Blue in a bubble of pleasure, then filled that bubble completely with happiness that was palpable, soaking him with perfect rain and warming him with blissful sunshine, lush. Blue was so overwhelmed with the sound of her laugh that he completely failed to recognize that he was no longer sitting at the table.

He was, in fact, sitting in the exact spot in the hut belonging to Mojahdii where he had been sitting with Anna Marie shortly after they were introduced to one another. Anna Marie sat directly across from him laying out the small bundle of freshly picked herbs, leaves and grasses as well as the flower, in precisely the same design that she had laid them out in before, this time Blue noticed and recognized the design. It was the same shape as the energy, represented by swirling lines orbiting a bright, seemingly empty center. Anna Marie smiled at Tommy then took his hand in hers. In his palm she placed the single blossom of a flower. It was still the most brilliant blue flower he had ever seen. Anna Marie gently curled his fingertips around the blossom and held his hand between both of hers as she bowed sweetly to him, then slowly opened his curled fingers and the flower was gone. She smiled again, then winked and closed his hand again. Slowly, she opened his fingers once again, inside were two identical brilliant blue blossoms. A rush of pure energy shivered its way through Blue's entire body as he saw the blossoms, his painting in between their elbows, as he and Anna Marie sat across from one another at the table once again.

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