
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 15 Bad Moon Rising, Seeing Again is Believing Most

That night, Victor and Max made tacos, margaritas and music together. Actually they didn't do any of those things. The tacos were essentially the same thing as tacos but in this time at this place they go by the name "flappers" and margaritas are called "zosh", so you order a "zosh rocks" if you like your margaritas with ice and a "zoshee" if you like them frozen, otherwise, you will end up with a "naked zosh". Music is music both here and in the place which Leer calls home, but they didn't pick up any instruments or crank up the karaoke, they made love. Leer was developing a fondness for Victor's body. It wasn't as beautiful as the one he called self but it handled quite nicely.

"Gavin just called," Max said as she slinked her way toward a relaxing Victor, "he said everything's in place for tomorrow, even Aldo's bit. You must've frightened them with your dancing."She sat across his lap, leaned in close and kissed him. She slowly withdrew as if she intended to stand right back up again but Victor's teeth would not let her. He had her lower lip firmly gripped between them, stopping her. "Ouch!," she gasped as he let go, not intending to harm her, only to keep her close. Which was the precise result, in fact, she liked it, so she kissed him hard right back. the kissing and biting went on for some time as in some animalistic mating ritual, until Leer reached up and stopped it all by holding her chin, tightly between his thumb and fingers, so she would listen to him.

"Listen Max," he said,"I've got a feeling that all Varst is going to break loose in the next few days, not exactly sure how or when, just a feeling." She remained quiet but looked directly into his eyes as he continued," I am telling you, so you can be ready for whatever happens." Still silent, Max grew with concern. "Tomorrow's run will be my last." Before she could speak he answered her next question, "I'm putting an end to all of this for both of us. You want it to end and I just want out."

At this point Max was really confused. She had been secretly waiting for the day that Victor would stop the JumpJuice traffic, the fighting with Tommy Levito and his gang and the general reign of fear over the people of Rat Town. She had even told him that she was hoping for an end to it all, but hearing that Victor was going to quit, cold turkey was almost too good to be true. Too good to be true because Sal would never let it be true. It was Sal who made sure the shipments happened and it was Sal who reigned supreme and profited most from the sale of JumpJuice. Max knew that if Victor tried to quit, Victor would die.

"Don't worry about Sal,"Victor said, knowing what Max would be thinking,"He can always find someone else, like the Fiorelli twins, and he'll leave me alone because I'll be with you. But I really want to clear up this whole thing with Tommy and that's where it's going to get messy."

Max was completely stunned. It sounded to her like Victor was planning to leave it all behind and start a new life, the kind that only happened to other people. She had spent so much time trying to shield herself from disappointment, protecting herself by being tough, disguising her own desires behind her fathers ambition, that she found it difficult to acknowledge that she might actually be on the verge of getting what she wanted; love.

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