
an illustrated novel

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chapter 15 Bad Moon Rising, Leer sees trouble on the way

Leer knew what to expect, because he had already experienced what was to come. The difficulty with a situation like his was being able to recognize how much of an influence to have on achieving certain favorable outcomes. If he became too assertive, he might tip the scales in either direction, ending up with a different result than that which he knew would occur. His memory of the future was limited to a couple of weeks at best, after all, it had been nearly thirty years since he had said what he was about to tell Max,"Bobby's dead."

"What?" Max replied looking bewildered,"but you just told my father that he is the guy who took the shipment!"

"Exactly," he continued,"it isn't going to take Sal more than five minutes to find Bobby and have him snuffed." Leer knew far more than he was able to tell Max at the moment but he felt confident that letting her in on this much foresight would be harmless especially when he came up with a pretty solid fabrication as to how he knew that Bobby was a goner. "You know, Max, it doesn't take Sal long to get to anybody. He wasn't after Bobby until I said that he did it, now that I have, Bobby is history." Max nodded her head slightly, it was at times like this that she really hated being Sal's daughter. She wondered if she would have been able to live a life free from violence had she been born into a different family, was the stress and guilt from this way of living the cause of her mother's condition, would she end up the same way? "Everything is going to work out fine, Max," Victor said gently as he reached an arm around her.

At that very moment, the two goons who had been on the floor, unwilling to move, unsure of their own condition, got to their feet, brushed off the debris that had landed on them during the explosion and simultaneously realized that whatever Victor had done to them was healed by his own hands. The broken arm and snapped knee were apparently none the worse for wear and because they were already down on the floor for the explosion, they managed to escape any injuries that may have occurred from the blast. After looking themselves over in disbelief, they surveyed one another. They started laughing , hugging each other and patting each other on the back. Feeling slightly uncomfortable when they realized they were behaving like happy children, they quickly chiseled their own features back into place. Uncomfortably they approached Victor, each of them extending a hand for a shake. Victor shook each of their hands as both men apologized for attacking him. Victor simply smiled. As they headed toward the door through which Sal had departed, the larger of the two goons turned back slightly and said, "thanks Victor".

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