
an illustrated novel

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 16 Transformation - Special Delivery Drones4

As Victor and Max cleared the grove of gargantuan trees they immediately caught sight of the drone. It was cruising down low in a valley thatSeemed to have been formed by a gigantic celestial ice cream scooper. The growth of grass on the ground was so smooth that Leer just punched it, right over the side of the crest and into the valley making a direct line to intercept the drone. He was closing so fast that he barely had time to notify Aldo before they were closing on it.

"Thanks for the warning," Aldo said sarcastically as  Max gave the call that they were close. "I just got a call from the Fiorelli twins so let me talk you both through at the same time. You might as well all listen up," Aldo said as his voice needled it's way into the headset of every member of the team. When you get within range, that's when you get the lock signal from the red lights, three fast bursts which will cycle over and over as long as you are within range of a connection, you're going to hit the yellow triangle on the lower left of the navcom panel. When the whole screen goes green, the riders need to complete the engagement process by entering their birthdates into the keypad between their legs, that means all of you who are on the backs of the bikes. When this step is complete, state your name clearly. Your voiceprint will be recognized and the drone will lock onto a remote guidance mechanism on your cycle. When you reach your destination, simply say the words, Drone - Destination. I trust there will be no problems but if you should find that you are having trouble, I can help to establish a lock between your cycle and any drone so long as you have maneuvered yourself into range." Aldo added with just the right inflection to be clear that the success of this part of the mission was undeniably attributable to his technological superiority. "However, I have no idea what your destination is, so the very next screen you will see after you have established contact with and control over your drone will be a map indicating the position of Victor's cycle versus that of your own. Victor, if you would be so kind as to say a few words to ensure that everyone can hear you." Aldo requested impatiently.

"Let's get to the drones quickly gentleman, we are seconds from ours and time is of the essence," Victor said, eager to wrap this phase of the operation up as expeditiously as possible.

"Right," Aldo broke in,"you heard the man, now one more thing, the drones are very responsive so try to restrain from any wild driving while you're out there today. I've seen most of you on the road and, I personally want my full share and nothing less. I will not be very happy if a drone crashes because one of you jack-asses decided it was time to show off!"

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