
an illustrated novel

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chapter16 Transformation - Dream Images 1

Tommy was welcomed by all who lived within the Shadowlands. He was Onjadiavaan. He had brought the crystal to them. Some were concerned that the crystal vanished the moment he showed it, but most clung to the notion that somehow this was what must be. Most of them clung because they believed everything that Mojahdii said, others felt that surely the crystal had not vanished, it was simply lurking around in some in between world waiting for Onjadiavaan to pluck it back into existence and then it would light everything up all over again and all would be good. Still others were confident in their understanding of Shedavah and preferred to continue with their meditations and life activities exactly as they had done before the arrival of Shedavah and Onjadiavaan, these were the ones Blue liked best because they treated him like a normal person. He was among them as anyone else was, loved the same, treated the same, greeted the same, the same. There were, however, several others who considered themselves to be quite advanced, even illuminated. They were so convinced that they were illuminated that they had to be sure that any light in the darkness, ray of hope, blessed event or inspirational occurrence must be tested, scrutinized and verified as legitimate. Unfortunately for Blue, they, like Sansaa, Anna Marie and Mojahdii were aware that he was not only Tommy Levito, but that he was Blue. Onjadiavaan was said to be capable of great things and despite the illuminated's enlightenment, a few key members among them found it particularly hard to stomach that a stranger from another world should be chosen to deliver theirs. Blue had been fortunate that he was alone for most of his encounters with the "illuminati". He wouldn't have known how to handle quips like "How do you like our world? Tommy" and "Hey, why so Blue?" if he had been with Vinny. As it was, he just smiled. He didn't ask to be Onjadiavaan and he still wasn't sure that he was. what he was sure of was that he didn't want Vinny to know that he wasn't really Tommy. If Vinny was going to find out, he wanted to be the one to tell Vinny. He just had to find the right moment.  Each day in the Shadowlands seemed to bring that moment closer.

"Hey Tommy, why so blue?" Blue heard a voice behind him saying softly, followed by a strong hand upon his shoulder. It was Vinny. Blue had nearly turned in disgust but managed just the right amount of patience, finding Vinny looking at him with concern.

"Oh, hey Vinny" Tommy responded,"it's the dreams I've been having. I have been painting what I see and sharing them with Anna Marie, but now I feel like I'm going to have to defend them to the others and I don't know what to say."

"Ahh, don't worry about it little bro! You're the one who grabbed the crystal when no one else could. You're the guy they've all been waiting for and they're just jealous. Sansaa told me that nobody, not even Mojahdii, knows what you are capable of. If anybody gives you a hard time, just look at 'em and tell 'em you're going to melt their insides out, very slowly, over time if they don't stop bothering you NOW! Make sure you point your finger right at their bellies and keep it there when you tell them. When they shut up, put your finger away."

"Thanks Vinny," Tommy said laughing,"I'm really not interested in scaring anybody."

"I know bro, just kidding," Vinny added," when you gotta meet these "special people" anyway?"

"This afternoon in Mojahdii's hut," Tommy said, happy to be with Vinny.

"I'd come with ya but Sansaa says it just for the "special people", Vinny said, slightly disgusted.

"I know," Tommy said," I don't even want to be there but they're supposed to be important in some way. Tell you what, why don't you help me over there this afternoon, I can show you the paintings before any of them get to see them."

"Isn't that against the rules," Vinny asked like a little kid.

"Bast the rules,"Tommy quickly answered," you're my bro!"

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