
an illustrated novel

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chapter 17 Home is where you decide it is - Family Ties 2

Blue had  no idea what Tommy's father used to say about anything but Vinny sure did."Never thought I'd be around to hear you quote my father, Sal, would've thought the whole idea of him blastin' a hole in your daddy's head might put you off even thinking about the old man." Vinny couldn't help taking the shot at Sal since so few people ever even tried, besides he always liked to have a little banter before battle.

"Actually Vincent, I think of your father's words every day of my life. You might say that they are the very cornerstone of my dynasty. After all, if your father hadn't mercilessly butchered my father, then said those very words to him as he lay screaming in pain, I'm not entirely sure I would have been so driven to control Rat Town so completely. Oh, but you probably heard the story a different way, undoubtedly with a Levito spin. Regardless, our fathers who are most likely chained together in some fiery pit deep in the bowels of Varst taught me one thing. Never let anyone get the best of you. So you see, Vinny, your father did me a favor; and in some respects he did the old man a favor by pulling that trigger, the poor old crunge probably would have hung on in agony for hours, bleeding to death on the floor otherwise. But I didn't ask you here to reminisce about old times and I am afraid that my interests concern only your brother. So, make yourself at home," as Sal said this a beautiful woman carrying a tray of assorted nuts and a small ice bucket with three chilled bottles of beer entered the room. "Tommy and I will be in the next room and I assure you, I will return him to you, unharmed, quite shortly." Sal opened his arms toward Tommy as well as toward the other room, the doors of which opened automatically as he gestured toward them. Blue headed toward the open room with a quick glance over to Vinny as if to say that everything was fine, as he did Sal suddenly added,"Oh, I nearly forgot! Congratulations to both of you on your aquisition of the OmegaLux Crystal, no small achievement from what I understand of such things." Vinny and Tommy looked at one another, then back at Sal, then back at one another, then back at Sal and said with confused politeness,

"Thank you".

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