
an illustrated novel

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 15 Bad Moon Rising Leer, Seeing Again is Believing Morest

There were roughly a dozen men looking directly back at Leer when he warned them that they had better not mess up the shipment. Half of them were his solid crew and the other half were like the migrant farm workers of JumpJuice trafficking, picking up the odd delivery here and there, often buying their own supply from their cut of the run, then selling that for a hefty profit, making the whole cycle very profitable. In other words, every single one of these men had a stake in the success of the shipment so none of them gave Victor a moments grief over his little pep talk. Max was noticeably tickled by the whole thing, the dancing especially, and her expression of amused satisfaction did not go unnoticed by the boys, Abe, Gavin, Manny and Franco, the Fiorelli twins, and Marv and Aldo. Now the Fiorelli twins were always risking their own lives by hinting at a three-way with Max but today they took it one step further.

The thing about the twins was that they seemed to think with a single brain. Their unity of purpose combined with uncanny skills in observation, reinforced by superior physical prowess made them practically irresistible to women and unstoppable to men. They were also a little bit psycho. They enjoyed composing little duets a Capella and impromptu for a myriad of occasions, this would be one of them. "Max, oh Max, when you dance like that with Victor," Manny began. "You make me wish that I could paint a picture," Franco followed as they strutted toward the pair, Franco still singing, "so c'mon girl, let's get together and make art," Manny jumped right in with, "you can even bring your boy along and he can do the h-h-hard part," the Fiorelli twins laughing through their own improvised beat box while performing a perfectly synchronized pelvic thrust dance move that left very little to the imagination.

"Not a bad idea," Victor promptly replied as he took Max by the hand and spun her toward the door they entered by,"only you're not invited," he continued. Without looking back he announced to the ceiling, " and Aldo, I want tracers on every single unit that goes out, no exceptions, no excuses."

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